
What should I do? I think I want my friend who has a gf that is also my friend?

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This couple of mine who I have known for 6 years has been together for over 10 years. I think it's like 12 years together. They are both mine friends, but I am closer to the man than I am the woman.

A few weeks ago, the man and I met up for drinks. I really didn't think much of it. We went back to mine house and he grabbed me and kissed me. I pulled away saying that we couldn't do this because of his g/f. He understood but kept rubbing my back and playing with my hair for about a hour. I finally asked him to leave but when he starting leaving he kissed me again and we starting making out hardcore for about 2 minutes. I stopped him and apologized and said I couldn't do this. He left.

Everytime I see him, he looks at me like he wants to kiss me. The friends I have told this too said that he has always flirted with me and they weren't surprised. With that said, all I keep thinking about is him.

He and his gf have a roommate type of relationship and they have had that for the past 4 years. She tells me that they are going to get married, and he makes it clear to me and some other friends that he's all set.

I think I want him now and don't know what to do? Any advice?




  1. hi you said that you think you want him ell first of all you need to decide if you really do as you might go 4 it and it all go bad second of all if he is getting married but wants you then he should re think things as in a situation like this alot of people will get hurt as some one always dose so you need to be 200 per cent clear on wat you want then make a desertion and keep to that as it would be a very bumpy ride

  2. It's too hard to say and get an exact answer! I personally suggest you refer to the "Ask April Dating Tips" on ---http:// for more good advice for your question.

  3. You DO know what to do.  Don't play this game!  You're going to end up losing two friends.  

    What made the guy think that you were open to his advances, anyway?  "NO" is supposed to mean "NO"!....unless you really don't mean it.

    Pull your act together girl...he's totally out of line and doesn't respect you or the woman he's living with.

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