
What should I do? I want a cat!!?

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I want to get a cat but (1)My mom is very allergic (2) I already have a bird and my family has a dog so my parents wont let me get another animal. I don't want one of those expensive hypo-allergenic cats that have no hair. What should I do?




  1. Well, your mom would have to take pills or shots which are very expensive.

    Also, the dog and cat might fight and cause tension; perhaps you should wait until you have a place of your own to get a cat.  Maybe you can talk them into getting you a puppy. But for your mom's sake I'd give up the idea of having a cat for a while.

    You could volunteer at the animal shelter and give those cats lots of love but if you do remember to shower and wash your clothes so your mom doesn't have a bad reaction.

  2. well, your cat may go after your bird and cause unneeded stress on him/her, right? so that's one reason you shouldn't have a cat. 2) your dog may go after the cat causing him/her unneeded stress. 3) your mom's allergic so that's no good for her and she'll be coughing and sneezing or whatever. If I were you, I'd wait until you move out or your family actualy says yes, which may be a while. write a full list of pros and cons and see if you really want to bring another animal into your life and home.


  3. Well theres 2 things you can either do.

    You can get a one of those hairless cats, that would be nice.

    Orr, you can get any cat, but first, your mom will need to get alergenic shots or pills or such.

  4. well get it, let her covert it, and let it have kittens!!!  or you can wait till you move out, or just get a pet out and replace it:{ that's"s all i can think of sorry.

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