
What should I do If their was a Tornado?

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If I was walking Home from school and all of a sudden their was a tornado syrn and i was half way, what should i do? Also, If i was walking home and i was far away from home what should i do about that?




  1. its good to have a safe kit already packed with emergency things packed like flashlight, water, food ,etc[[blankets]]

    but they do have emergency shelters but if you have a basement [[old fashion]] thats good to protect your self.

  2. crouch down, stick your head between your legs, && kiss your butt goodbye. lol. j/k

    jump in a ditch somewhere and ball up, seriously.

  3. If you were halfway, depending on how many blocks that would be, I would most likely run for it since I'm a fast runner. If you're a slow runner, find a ditch and take cover in it. However, do NOT take cover under an underpass. There, the tornado could easily suck you out.

  4. If there is no where indoors for you to go, try to find a ditch or small shelter like that to crawl into and lie flat on the ground with your hands over your head to keep flying debris from seriously injuring you in that area. If there is no ditch, then your best bet would be to just lie flat on the ground with your hands over your head. Just stay calm so you can think better and don't panic.

  5. Usually the sky will give you a good indicationt that something is about to happen.  I got caught in a tornado this way.  I thought that I could make it to my destination before the tornado hit. I did not make it before the winds were swirling and debris was being thrown through the air.  You should find shelter as fast as possible - in a building.

    Praying helps also.

  6. RUN!!!!!! No, duck, or go to a nearby place

  7. go to the basement but I would get my camcorder and film.

  8. lay flat in a dich legs together, head under cheast, and cover your neck with hands go to

  9. your best bet is to find the lowest place you can, if there is a ditch nearby jump in it and lay down, if you are in town somewhere, and it's a decent neighborhood, run to the nearest house.  so basically just get down and find shelter

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