
What should I do? Im so scared!!?

by  |  earlier

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Okay, so there's this guy and his name is Dan. He's 45 years old, married, with kids, and I went to canobie with him, my uncle, and my cousins. And the only reason I was there was because one of my cousins is autistic and I was going to help. So right when I get there Dan comes up and puts his arm around me and just starts walking with me, and I was like what the heck? But I didn't say anything cause I'm too shy. (Im 18 by the way) and we get to the first ride were going to go on and everyone kinda split up and went there own way and I was trying to figure out who to sit next to when he whispers in my ear, sit next to me in the back, and ofcourse, I was like uhm okay, even though I felt weird about that. But I did and it was fine, until I got off and he had his arm around my shoulder again. Anyways later when I was there this guy I knew and was just friends with came over and gave me a hug and I hugged him back and Dan came over and was like okay that's enough and then practically dragged me away from him. I found that soo rude but I didn't say anything. And towards the end of the day we were talking about who was easier to read, guys or girls, and this girl standing next to me was like oh is he your dad and I immediately said ha, no! And then I thought she would think I was weird so I was going to explain that he was one of my moms old friends but he interupted me and I was like I'm a.friend. And I was just like oh yeah, he's a friend. But he's not my friend. He's my moms friend. And I caught him staring at me a few times too, which made me feel so self concious so we went to his car because some of the others wanted food and water and stuff and I was looking in the reflection trying to make myself look better when Dan was like relax you look great. So I kinda blushed and was oh thanks. So anyways that was Canobie. Then like three days later my cell phone rings right and it was him. It was a text message that said pg. And I wrote back and was like what does that mean. And he called me back and said that it was a mistake and that somehow his locked phone, unlocked itself in his pocket and sent me a text. And I believed him until I talked to one of my best friends and she was like no, he's lying and now I believe her instead. And I already told her all this stuff and she thinks that he likes me, but I really don't know. Can someone please tell me what they think? Thank you soo much, and sorry about the length!




  1. Tell ur mum then both of u go to the police & report the creep !

    Take out a restraining order to keep the creepy thing away.

  2. ew! what a creep! avoid him please

  3. Let the past go.  It is over, so stop worrying about it.  When and if he asks you out, makes a pass, or asks about a relationship.  Let him know you are not interested, but, appreciate his kindness and interest.  No need to make a big deal out of it.  If he finds you attractive, it is a good thing not bad.  As long as all he did was Rest his arm on your shoulder he was not being rude or anything.  Your responses may already have cooled his jets,  So be happy and go on with your life.  A lot of guys are going to want to be with you.  Learn to to say thanks but no.  And, enjoy being a girl.  Queen Of Flirts

  4. Sounds like a creepy guy that wants to get with you. You should tell your mom about it and avoid being around him. Hopefully your mom will talk to him about his inappropriate behavior and stop it.

  5. He's a letch!  He is taking advantage of your shyness.  You need to stop being a doormat and tell him to back off.  He should not be touching you, looking at you, making comments to you or texting you.  It's completely inappropriate.  Tell you Mom and stay away from him.  If he contacts you again call his wife.

  6. Tell your mum about him. What he is doing is creepy.

  7. Definitely a creep. Tell your mom all of this. If he contacts you again, tell him not to. Don't have a long conversation over it, just tell him don't contact me again and hang up/walk away, etc. He sounds like a pervert.  

  8.   This creep is trying to feel like a stud by hitting on a much younger person than himself.  I, personally, call these guys PREDATORS!  Please do yourself (and probably other young women in your area) a favor and let either your mom and/or his wife know about this behaviour.  You must put a stop to this!  Trust your feelings--we are wired to sense danger, and your instincts are dead on.  Your gut will be the first indicator that something is not right.  If you can't talk openly to your mom, show her this and tell her that you wrote it.  Do whatever you can to stop this as soon as possible!  This guy should not have your cell number, either.  I know it can be flattering to have an older man notice you, but listen to your gut.  Go back and read your question, and then ask yourself what you would say to this girl if she was asking for your advice?   I think you will be very happy with yourself, if you face your fears and embarassment and deal with this situation head-on.  Best wishes for you.

  9. Create your own "to catch a predator". If you pursues you further, invite him over and tell him to bring an inflatable kiddie pool and tons of jello, because you have always wanted to try naked jello wrestling. Then when he gets there tell him to get things started while you slip into something more comfortable. Finally send your mom or other adult in who did not know he was coming over (and who he did not know was home) who will then ask what on earth he is doing. Stand back and watch him try to explain, whilst filming the whole thing. If that doesn't sound good, just ignore him and never go near him again.

  10. I'm sorry, but he sounds like such a creeper. Being that he has a wife and kids, I'd definitely stay away from him. I know that being shy makes that difficult if you ever see him again, but just try your best to ignore him. If he still doesn't stop contacting you, confront him. Although it'd be uncomfortable, you could always talk to his wife as a last priority. Good luck!

  11. Don't answer any calls or see him.  He's married and selfish and doesn't care about you.

  12. wow that guys a pervert he's 45 and your 18

    he's like a pedifial (get away from him)

  13. if he calls or texts you again you can ignore him or tell him you are not interested in him like that and ask him to stop contacting you. do not respond to his calls or texts unless it is to tell him u are not interested. if you respond to him he will think you are interested, even if you do not say you are. ( i take it you do not like him back?)

    avoid him if you are around him again soon. or just let him know you are not interested. you also need to learn to stand up for yourself when guys make you uncomfortable.  

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