
What should I do...? Is it something else?

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My horse has had a weird limp in her trot the last few weeks. It is very slight almost un noticable unless you look at her head cause it bobs more now. She still is insisting she is okay, by tossing her head & breaking into a trot by herself & still trying to go faster. I soon found a big cut & scrap on her inner back left leg really close to her vag, which is normally where i dont look so i did not find it earlier. So I put all the nessicary stuff on it & didn't ride her for a wk. I rode her today for the first time since & she does still have a slight limp & still insists on tryin to go faster. I have checked her legs nothing is swollen or hot & i have checked her hooves nothing is there either. Do you think it is something else? & how should i cont. training her? I am showing her at the 4H fair, which is 6 full days of showing so I'd really hate to not practice or train, but she is more important. Any ideas?




  1. When she is turned out in the paddock, are their other horses? It sounds like another horse may have had a go at her, causing the cut and this slight limp ; must say it sounds like it is healing itself. If there are no other horses in the paddock, could it have been possible she got caught up in the some wire [fencing], particulary barbed wire? I would put up some electric tape to keep her away from the fences, just in case. Make sure she has no injuries to the instead of her hooves as well [frog etc.] and her hooves aren't overgrown, as this could/be part of the problem. If the limping keeps up for more than two weeks, I would get a vet out to check on her and make sure everything is fine, just to be safe =)

  2. It could be something that is not maybe she has an abscess in her hoof..try pressing around the sole and around the frog to see if she flinches..sometimes a nipper is needed to apply the pressure.   Could be so many things...either the vet or farrier or perhaps your 4H leader could assist you.

    Have you tried jogging her or have someone trot her to see what she is favoring as she moves.  Is it only when you ride her?  Could be ill fitting saddle??  Tossing her head..bit or mouth issue?

  3. She could have a bruised sole and this is really something for the vet to sort out. Things going on inside the foot are impossible to see, though in some cases and i emphasise the word some, you can feel some heat emanating from the hoof.  But not always.

    Was she shod recently before she went lame?  A misplaced nail or poor trimming could be a factor.

    Do not work her until it is sorted.

  4. are any of hher hoovs overgrown

  5. well - if shes noticeably off, you really can't show her at fair. If shes only slightly off and you really can't afford a vet, I would say your only option is time - stop riding her until it goes away. Most things will heal themselves in 6 months or so.

    I would need a bit more information to help you otherwise. How old is she? Is she shod? Have you tried putting her on a bit of bute? What sort of riding do you do?

  6. I would try calling the vet and asking for some advise on what you should do. (This avoids the nasty Vet bill) Call the vet and tell him what the symptoms are and he could probably tell you whats wrong. Then he could also tell you what you should do to heal your horse.

    Goodluck and hope your horse gets to feeling better*

  7. If you do not know how to do diagnostic tests to help your horse, you have to call the vet.  That is the only responsible thing you can do.  There could be so many different things that could be going on and you may have to have x-rays to  take a look.

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