
What should I do? My Basset Hound is growling at my husband and he acted like he was going to bite him?

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My husband has the tendency to be a little loud with the children and now the dog. He is harmless and would never hurt them but he is kinda loud. One day my 8 month old Basset Hound would not stop barking so my husband was trying to get him to go outside and my Basset growled and snapped at him like he was going to bite him. This is the first time I have ever seen this type of behavior from him. A couple of days later my Basset was lying on the laundry and my husband was trying to move him and the dog growled at him. I don't want to have an aggressive dog what do I do to stop this from happening?




  1. Contact a behaviorist to come and visit with you,your husband and the dog. The behaviorist can show you how to change this unacceptable behavior before anyone gets bitten.

  2. There are many ways you can make your dog behave. Try watching The Dog Whisperer and there are many ways to train your dog. Like the sound that Ceaser Mullon makes to the dogs usually works. Also you can get a shock collar but they can be pretty expensive. Hope this helps!

  3. Take the dog to get trained to behave and maybe have your husband take the dog and learn not to yell because all the dog thinks is he'll hurt the kids. The dog is only doing there job.

  4. raising your voice at a pup is no way to teach it.hitting a pup is no way to train it.

    i found that a little patience and a lot of encouragement go a long way.

  5.   Tell your husband to keep his mouth shut.  Honest, dogs use body language more than anything else, to your basset pup he is just barking & howling for no reason, the dog probably has him pegged as nuts.

      The pup is 8 months old, and it is time to test the boundaries and social structure, pretty common at this age for pups.  When the dog doesn't cooperate,  time to go back in the obedience area.  If he growls when asked to go out, scoop him up, take him out.  If he growls when laying on the laundry, shove him out of the way, pick up the laundry.  Keep your mouth shut when doing these things.

      He is trying to climb the ladder, showing a little location dominance.  Show him this won't work, if you let him get away with it he will think he is in charge.

      Tell your husband actions speak louder than words, this works with dogs as well as people.

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