
What should I do? My favorite mistress Rebecca has asked me to marry her, she knows that I can't divorce my ?

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wife moo moo lovins' because I get sixty percent of my income from her. She is telling me that she loves me, and that money doesn't matter. All of the sudden I think she's a space alien or something. Where does she think her Manolo shoes and Hermes bags comes from? I'm really depressed. I have no idea what to do, I don't want to lose her. I wonder if moo moo would be game if I became a polygamist.




  1. I KNOW!! you can...hook your wife and your mistress up, give them a bunch of donuts...they'll be happy, and go to vegas, get drunk...and marry your h0e...sound good?

  2. O you poor, poor baby:(  What ever, get a divorce and DON'T get married again!!!!!!  Your a freak, and this is a joke pretty good one:)  heheheheheheheheh

  3. I would rethink the polygamist thing.,,,

    Form what you've described in the past, I am not sure if Rebecca could stomach the sight of Moo Moo....

  4. you become a BIGGER LOSER every time I read your Q.

  5. I can't decide if you are a mental patient or a genius.  

  6. She knew that you were already married, so she's asking way to much.  

    Once a Mistress, Always a Mistress.  

    She really needs to get with the program;)

  7. Money isn't everything and you shouldn't have put yourself or her in this kind of position anyhow.  You need to figure out who makes you happy and who you want to spend your life with. This isn't fare to your wife if you have a mistress than you apparently don't truly love your wife maybe you need to be straight with her and let her go so she can have someone who does truly love and respect her. Let her get on with her life like you apparently already have. Don't waist her time anymore than you have.

  8. Your such a weirdo!!

  9. jut supply moo moo with lots of food--she'll understand

  10. Quit living your life for materialistic things. Money is an inanimate object.

  11. Any understanding wife would surely take your side in this matter, You should bring this problem to her attention and request her input

  12. keep the wife, the money, and the mistress(es). greedy men will always be greedy.

  13. This question doesn't even deserve any answers.  The only reason I'm typing anything is my name is Rebecca :)  haha

  14. LOL If you get 60% of your income from your wife, stay with her!

  15. doesnt Rebecca know about your other 7 mistresses (incld the new one from work)?  Does she expect you to drop them?  I told you Rebecca was up to something!  

  16. Lol you dork!

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