
What should I do? My friend is mad at me?

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What should I do? My friend is mad at me?

I don't know who is right or wrong here but I think we are both are part of it.

It all started yesterday when she got her tongue pierced. She couldn't eat and said she'll get really annoyed if anyone mentioned food in front of her. She normally took jokes from me and never knew this would happen. Anyway, I wrote on her Bebo and Facebook "FOOD, FOOD, FOOD, FOOD..." and today, she replied with a message showing her anger and blocked and deleted me.

I got annoyed too and did the same to her on both and also MSN.

I feel very silly for doing that but how can I confront her? Will I be weak if I went crawling back?

Also, there has been gossip lately about the fact I like her more than a friend which she doesn't feel comfortable with. Is it possible she's taking advantage of this to have me out of her life?




  1. Well, I think that you should write her a message on MSN and stuff saying that you are very sorry, you just didn't think that she will take it so seriously. And about the message, you just got a bit carried away because what she sended made you evil...T~T

    then when everything is sorted, make that gossip straight. Ask her if she feels the same. If not, well to me you seem like a reasonable guy, I think that you should just let it go and find someone else... :)

    Goood luck!

  2. Maybe you just pissed her off at the wrong time. Send her an E-mail telling her you're sorry, you didn't mean to annoy her, you were just having a joke with her, and you'd love it if you could forget the whole thing and go back to being friends.

    In the E-mail state that you like her as nothing more than a close friend, and that she shouldn't be freaked out y rumors that simply aren't true.

    Good luck, and I'm sure in a day or two she'll cool off and you'll be friends again.


  3. It's a stupid situation she shouldn't be mad. All friends joke, it's normal, but I believe that she took advantage of the situation to push you away. She way over reacted, theres a reason behind it and maybe that's it.

  4. She overreacted, it was a joke.

  5. Sounds like something pretty stupid for either of you to hold a grudge about. If you feel the friendship is worth it, then just send her a message simply saying you are sorry, that your "food food food" thing was just a joke and you meant no harm, and feel bad that she was offended by it. That is about all you can do - if she remains mad after an apology (especially over something so minor) then she is probably not worth it.

    And females are strange, so sure it is possible she is making this into more than it should be just to get you out of her life - but if that is the case, then again, she is not worth it.

  6. Send her a note that says "I'm sorry for being insensitive. I don't want to lose you as a friend over this.  If you honestly don't want to be friends because of that, then I have to wonder if something else is bothering you making you angry at me.  I hope you'll let me know. "  

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