
What should I do? My significant other doesn’t believe in God.?

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How can we compromise without either one of us having to give up our beliefs?




  1. Are religious beliefs really that big of a deal? You guys don't have to agree on everything. As long as you guys aren't insulting eachothers beliefs its not a big deal.

  2. Even though he does not believe in god, he should respect the fact that you do. And not down grade on your beliefs.

    But the same should go for you, don't look down on him just because he does not believe in god.

    Personally I dont believe in god, but that is mainly cause I know nothing about me religion. I did not grow up in a religious house hold. But I am not knocking it either, I have respect for those who can believe. It is good to believe in something, I have a hard doing. I believe in humanity. I think, sometimes I wonder bout that to.

    I think that you both will be fine. But don't try and force religion on him. Your beliefs should not be a big deal. Obviously you guys get along just fine, other wise you would not have called him your significant other.

    This is something that only you and your significant other can talk over.

    No down grading either one of you though.

    I wish nothing but the best for you both.

  3. If you are a christian it says in the Bible not to be unequally yoked. Talking about marriage and such. It is wise not to date someone who doesnt have the same beliefs because no matter how much you think you can change him you most likely will not be able to. I know it sucks, I am a christian and have had to tell many guys no because they do not share my beliefs

  4. As long as he isn't insulting your beliefs whats the problem? What he believes is his business, religion is a personal choice! Its not something to be shown off to look acceptable to grandma and grandpa....either you feel it or you don't. Please don't be another arrogant christian (or whatever) your mind to the fact that not every one agrees with you and that they are entitled to their opinions.

    Look at this... it DOES say in the bible that ignorance won't be blamed and a person will not be held accountable for it. Do you really think that some tribe in Africa won't get to "heaven" because they believe differently? They were taught that way by their parents who were taught by their parents... if they are the wrong ones and you are right then they are simply ignorant and can't be blaimed.

    For the record... I am not religious though my family is. Just accept that he feels differently and respect his choices! For the record...there is no quicker way to make a guy drop you then to pressure him about religion.

  5. you should talk to them about God and then if he won't listen/still doesn't believe you, you shouldn't continue to date him. believing in God is very important in life and you should find someone who believes in Him.  

  6. it is okay for them to have their own beliefs.  maybe you should consider talking to them about it

  7. omg, i hate this

    do you remember how to date?

    Or even how to have regular conversations?

    Number Rule: Have small talk. Leave politics and religions outta this.

    My girlfriend is a diehard Christian, and I'm a diehard Atheist.

    In the beginning, she swamped me with stories how I had to believe in Jesus and stuff otherwise I'd burn in h**l.

    I'll admit it, I've been adapting and stuff, but so has she.

    When we talk, the only christian stuff she ever mentions is "And at church this guy was like blah blah blah" and stuff.

    And we get along really well. Her dad treats me as a son, her mom treats me as a son (although i wish she wouldn't), even her dog jumps me everytime i go there.

    POINT IS: YOU NEED TO ADAPT. All you need is love, keep opinions out of it. (although i still think i'd burn in h**l anyways, christian or notXD)

    Unless hes like a sadistic person who worships satan and hitler or soemthig like that, then you shud dump him.

  8. He probably doesn't care what gods, demons, and fairies you believe in.

    You'd be the one who cares about the damnation of his eternal soul, right?

    You have to accept his beleifs are as valid as yours, or move on.  

  9. each and every person has right to believe in what they want so u cannot force ur significant other to be a  god person and being said that u also cannot abandon ur beliefs for him

    so u should find a way to stay in peace with each other

    he does not believe in god so leave ur god thingee when u r with him, just dont bring up conversation relating to god when u r with him and certainly dont drag him to church

    also tell him that u believe in god and not to pass judgment upon u based on that fact

  10. if u believe in god u should only date ppl that have the same religious views as u do

    if he loves u he would compromise for you

  11. i would say stop believing in god, cuz im an athiest.

    but i guess if faith means that much to you.......

  12. neither of you need to give up your own beliefs, and the two of you don't need to have the same beliefs either.

    you can each have you own beliefs and do your own things.

    it shouldn't be a problem, as long as you guys don't try preaching to each other about what you believe.

  13. If you are a believer. If you read your Bible it says in the Bible that we are not suppose to yoke ourselves with a non believer. If you are a serious believer then You know that God comes first in your life. you can either witness to him or find someone else who is a believer. May I also suggest you speak with your pastor

  14. Well what does it matter to you if he doesn't believe in God? If it's because you fight over some issues, then you either have to avoid those issues altogether, or you split up. Expecting either of you to give up on your beliefs wouldn't be respectful of one another, and that's certainly not a good basis for a relationship.

  15. You cannot make someone believe in God. Live the best life you can and if loves you then he will see the example you set by believing in and loving God. Never try to force anything on him, it will drive him away!! Just live for and love God. Listen to your heart and pray!  

  16. Don't even confront him on his beliefs. There's no reason for potential fighting over something he doesn't believe in, and as the first poster said, leave god out of your relationship.

  17. I wouldn't worry about it.  I gave up a relationship for similar reasons.  My religion was very important to me and I couldn't imagine being a nonbeliever.  A few years later, I ended up being atheist myself.  No one knows what they'll believe in the future.  Don't give up a good man over religion.

  18. In any relationship there are more than likely going to be areas of disagreement. The key is respect. If one of you looses respect for the other’s right to have a different set of beliefs then the relationship will not work. Believing in God is no exception. A relationship is two people coming together and being separate. Everyone is in fact a single person with their own habits, beliefs, quirks, etc. Unless one of you chooses to make big deal out of your difference enjoy the things you love about each other and live your lives.

  19. well dont let him bother your relationship with God.  and if u get married u can just go to church and junk and he can sit at home with the kids

  20. It is very difficult to be in a relationship with views that drastic. The only compromise is to never speak of the differences but exactly how comfortable are you with the thought of them going to h**l because you did not teach them the ways of God? There is no right answer that we can tell you - it is a decision you will need to make and think hard about your future and kids, etc.

  21. Well, if you guys aren't that serious, then just don't talk about religion. But if you're getting like, really serious, then you need to rethink your relationship. Well, maybe not. My aunt and uncle are te same way, and they've been married for ages.

  22. You should just agree to disagree. The only issue that comes into play is when you get married or have children what way to raise them. I have friends who got married and had parts of his Jewish beliefs in the ceremony and parts of her Christian faith in the ceremony. It can be done!

    But I think a lot of people who are religious want their SO to believe in the same thing, and it's not fair. You got your choice, so let him have his!

    Live and let live, baby! If you like or love him there is no use even worrying about this!

  23. Leave God out of your relationship.

    He can have his own views of things.

  24. Try not talk about it.  

  25. relationships are a hard thing you have to find some one who will love you and accept you as you our. The thing is if religion is a big part of your life then there will always be a problem between two people who don't believe the same. Its best to find some one who shares your same beliefs and can support you in them. If Kids come into the picture how are they going to be raised? This brings more contention into the relationship. Sorry to say it but its a hard situation your in.  

  26. Does your SO have a problem with your beliefs ? If not, then it is you that needs to adjust or compromise your beliefs..

  27. Just make time for your religious activities as alone time. If he really cares for you he wont try to change you, and you wont try to change him. Just schedule everything

  28. Don't worry too much god himself will take care of it just don't force to anything and enjoy your moment with him  

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