
What should I do? Not sure what is right or wrong..

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Just a heads up, this is a relationship problem, and I'm asking here because I'm looking for more mature answers from people w/ experience. The dating section has a lot of 12 yr olds answering lol.

So heres the situation: I'm 20, the girl I like is 21, but she is very shy and quiet girl. This past week, I asked her on the phone if she wanted to study together with me, and she said yes. So we did that, and she really opened up and talked alot. Both of us were smiling at each other alot. So I can see that shes starting to trust me. We were talking about movies and She mentioned something about how her boyfriend didnt wanna watch it. I didnt know she was seeing anyone until that point. And I really do like her alot.

School is over now, and its just exams left, which means that I won't get to see her until about two weeks from now. Although I do have her contact on instant messenger. I don;t know what the right or wrong thing to do is, like I don't know if I should just try to continue to be friends with her and respect her personal life. Or if I should tell her how I feel? Whats your view on this? Thank you so much.




  1. tell her how you feel, you never know what can happen.

  2. As she told you she got a BF and you like this girl.. then I would not risk the friendship.. even if that hurts you.. but she told you she is in a relationship.. it would make you and her feel awkward if you told her how you really feel.. Don't risk a good friendship when she is personally involved with another guy.. You can still remain great pals.. and one never knows if her relationship with her BF lasted but as long as she is committed to him and in this relationship, you should respect this.. if you care about this girl you respect the situation.. x*x

  3. personally, I would like to hear it if a guy liked me. That way I can make my own decision. She can let you know if she wants to be just friends or maybe if her and her boyfriend are not as close as they were

  4. First make sure her boyfriend isn't bigger then you. If he is, bottle up your feelings and NEVER let them out. If he is smaller then you open up to her.  

  5. Send her an email and tell her you enjoyed studying/spending time with her.  Try to continue being friends with her.

    That way, you'll get to know her better to see if you actually are compatible or if this is just a crush.  Also, if you are friends, you might actually know when/if she breaks up the boyfriend and then you'll have your chance.

    Or perhaps she'll start liking you back and break up with the guy herself--she won't do that if you're not talking to her.

    I think you should be her friend, but respect her choice of boyfriend...I don't think you should try to break them up or profess your undying love for her or anything, just be her friend.  Even if she never likes you that way, or even marries the other guy, then the worst that could happen in the whole thing is that you gain a friend.

  6. depends on you. You could become friends with her but its not fair to you or her if you want more.  you could tell her how you feel and then bow gracefully out of the picture. if the two of them break up it will not include anything about you and she will remember the fun you had together and more than likely look you up.

  7. Thats a hard one. I would say to continue to be friends with her. Find out how her relationship is with her boyfriend, if she's happy, etc. Then if you feel like she you could make her happier then tell her, but be sure not to lay it out to seem like she will lose your friendship if she doesn't choose you. Make it comfortable for both of you.  


    why don't you tell her to the point soon. You make things look like complicated. Whatever answer you will get, that is the answer.  

  9. us girls we are so MA-GI-CAL!

  10. continue being friends with her.  spend time with her when you can.  but as long as she has a boyfriend, don't push for anything more than friendship.  if she's really into you (which it seems she may be), then her relationship will probably fizzle before long and you'll be able to be more open with her.  if she's not really into you, then there's no point professing your feelings and making a big dramatic scene.  just enjoy her friendship, get to know her, and let whatever happens next unfold naturally.

  11. if you want the girl go get her id say tell her how you

    feel let everything out .

  12. I believe what you should do is continue to be her friend and respect her choice in dating this other gentleman.  If things seem to be spiraling down between them or they break up, then you can persue her. If you give her respect now, and build your friendship, you either end up with a life partner at the most, but at the least you will end up with a very close friend. Handling it this way is a win win situation.

    If you tell her your feelings now, you aren't considering her feelings, because you are puting her in a very hard spot to be in. especially if her boyfriend finds out you are trying to steal his lady, he will most likely force her to be miserable and she will feel the need to choose. If she truly loves him and sees a future there, then you will be losing a friend.

    wether she respects the situation or should.  

  13. i would ask her if she wanted to meet you somwhere or a shop somwhere she wont expect it not like a resturant then start to just have your usuall hi how are you then after a while explain this might be difficult for me but i really like you and as i understand that you have a boyfriend i would like to leave the option open for you and then if she agrees smiles or nodds then seal it with a hug then she knows that you like her and understand where she is in the situation.

    hope it turns out right and good luck!

  14. I see moving in on someones relationship as a bad thing to do. If she's in that relationship then there's a reason for it. Otherwise she'd be single and looking for someone. You don't want to confuse her life. Maybe be friends with her and if she becomes single in the future move in. That might be a very hard thing to do. Put yourself in her boyfriends place. Would you like someone seeing your girlfriend when they want to be with her? You might create problems in her personal life. If a girl is taken, I wouldn't make a move.

  15. Right off the bat i am 15... I think you should either get her phone number or wait till you c her again and slowly go in to a conversation about your lives like what you guys like to do, then so you have a boyfriend or something. that is what i think

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