
What should I do? Pet abuse killed the family pet?

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I live with my fiancee and daughter on the second floor of a duplex home. His parents and 14 year old sister live on the first floor. They had a dog who died today.. they hardly walked him and he hadn't been out for at least two days! Today they found him with a broken arm and shaking because he urinated all over him self (he was kept in a cage in the basement.) He was their pet.. no chip or anything. but is there anything I can do? I feel so bad. The parents left the care to the girl and now the poor dog is dead. this is in chicago. it's not my dog nor did i have access to him, but i feel so bad.




  1. get in contact with the local branch of the ASPCA.

  2. This site might help you:

  3. I think I am with alot of others, it would be hard, but turn them in. Eventually they may get the picture that they must take care of their animals.  After enough fines have been given to them, if they keep it up, they may decide not get another pet.

  4. you should report them right away. I feel bad too

  5. too late to save the dog now..

    if you knew he wasnt being walked or cared for, maybe you should have acted sooner... I would call the local shelter/SPCA.. some have "black lists" lists of people they will NOT adopt to.. I used to work at a shelter in Canada and we had a list we always checked before adopting a dog out.. (or cat)

    NO PARENT should EVER trust the care of a pet to a kid - this is stupid!

  6. First of all, I'm sorry you feel bad for the animal. I feel for him too.

    Next, A basement is NO  place for a dog, let alone in a cage.

    Their inconsideration is a bunch of BULL!


  7. I don't think there is nothing you can do, but if you want to do something, you can help bury the dog somewhere and at least make a funeral. At least he can see how much you care for the dog and how sorry you feel.  

  8. This animal was not a pet, it was a prisoner.  

    I think putting these people in a cage in the basement for a few weeks woud be good.

    It would have been good to have reported this long before now.  It is too late.  You are suffering because you knew this was going on and did nothing.  What caused the death of the dog?  Not a broken leg.

  9. That's awful!

    I commend you for wanting to prevent it from ever happening again in the future. Below are some links I found for the Chicago area. You can also dial 311 to contact the City of Chicago's Animal Care, Control, and Rescue Dept.


    *Go to this site. It gives you tips on how to report abuse and it even gives you a directory to find a shelter near you where you can report it

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