
What should I do? Please help...?

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I have serious self-esteem issues and I feel like I’m the ugliest and most unattractive girl in my school. I know it sounds like I’m feeling sorry for myself, but I think it might actually be the truth. Most of the girls at my school are skinny and pretty and wear nice and expensive clothes that make them look better…I try to do that but it just makes me look fatter. I am not allowed to wear make-up like the other girls so I can’t hide my facial flaws…and that makes me look uglier. I exercise but it doesn’t help my weight (I’m not really fat but I have a tummy and it really bothers me that I can’t get rid of it) and I can’t seem to look good in anything I wear.

I’ve felt this way for awhile but it really hurts me more now than it did before and I hate myself and everything about me. I’m thinking about killing myself…I know it sounds “drastic” but I hate myself and I don’t want to live feeling this way anymore. What should I do??




  1. Hi Dee, that s only your feeling. people around never look down on you. OK listen to me, inner beauty is more important than your appearance. If you have a good heart then people can see it outside, many people will like u no matter how fat or skinny you are. Even though u have a very beautiful face and s**y body but if your heart not good, people will not like u.  

  2. I've felt that way before..and I'm sure everybody does in some stage of their life and it is completely normal :) Firstly, you need to think of the things that you have or that you can do that not many other people will make you feel alot better about yourself. Secondly, thinking about killing yourself? Alot of my friends have had emotional times in their lives, even I have had some....they told me the best way to get through it is to talk to friends, family or get some help (whichever one suits you best) but killing yourself isn't going to help you or anybody else trust me. Thirdly, you may think that your the ugliest girl in school but everybody has something special about them that nobody else has, im sure theres someone out there who see's you for who you are inside (it's what's on the inside that counts) Everybody has flaws, the people who were makeup are the ones who are afraid to show it, but at least you have the guts to :) Fourthly, just try a fresh start!...Go out with some family and friends for lunch on the weekends, try sticking to a healthy diet, fruits, vegetables, salads, etc, take up a sport, run around, excercise, get outside and get active! Help your parents out around the house and earn some pocket money, go out and spend it on something like - clothes, jewellery, shoes! and last of all just believe in yourself all the time, never put yourself down :) I hoped i've helped you and that you will take my advice.

    (Feel free to email me if you have any more questions)

  3. Don't kill your self first of all, look in the mirror, look at your features, find at least one thing you like about your self, then try to find more, you will find ot that you look great and that you were being dramatic!

    I did the same thing, i was suprised at how much i like about myself!

  4. High school is pretty tough it's full of children that think they're adults. The ratio of people they really know compared to the number of celebrities they have heard of give them very unrealistic expectations. You might try Pilate's for the tummy if it's not flab it's muscle tone. The most important thing is to not seem negative, I know your depressed, but negativity will drive people away as fast as stink. You might try S****y underwear, no one needs to know  but you will, if you feel s**y you will put off a positive vibe. People are attracted to positive as surely as they're repelled by negative.

  5. You should ask a close female friend or relative to go shopping with you to pick out flattering clothes. There are cover up creams that are not considered make-up, like Derma Blend. Have you discussed your feelings with you mother, if not, you should?

    I would not recommend trying to look like all the other girls, create your own look and be comfortable with who you are. Instead of fitting in you should stand out by achieving something. Do something you are good at and make a difference. Strike an image that will set you apart not aside. You should be an innovator not a follower of fashion.

    This too, shall pass. I made it out alive, I have been where you are now.

    Bless you.

  6. i bet ur not ugly you just think u are and ur practicaly brain washing ur self. wear what ever u want and whatever u thinks looks cute.. look at the people that are fat they're not affraid to wear what ever they're wearing so why should u and don't kill u self just because ur brainwashing ur self and think ur ugly and to get rid of that "belly" that you say u have try dancing or talking lessons it will get u in shape

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