
What should I do? Please?

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I left the program that helps you get in to medical school but I been getting the same GPA. However, I have been having trouble with the MCAT(entrance exam for medical school). Should I go back to them? I have been insulted by them when I left. What should I do? Should I just try to get in my way?




  1. A program that helps you get into med school? You mean a formal university program that's called the "pre-med" program? I didn't know those existed.

    Most medical schools don't give a d**n what program you majored in during undergrad. What you chose to study will have no affect on whether they accept you or not, so don't worry about what program you're in. Study what interests you so that you can get good marks. Admission committees care about your grades, not your program. A music major has just a good of a chance at getting in as a physiology major.

    As for the MCAT, you're just going to find a study method that best suits you. The material you choose to study from and whether you decide to take MCAT prep courses are both factors. Otherwise, taking some science electives that teach the MCAT material will help. But honestly, most MCAT material you would've already learned in high school bio/phys/chem. 1st year general bio/phys/chem courses are more than enough.

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