
What should I do??? Quick!! I need advice!!!?

by  |  earlier

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I am going out for lunch today with a girl that I like, but she has a boyfriend. We've hung out before and just had lunch 2 days ago. When we had lunch 2 days ago, I sensed that she was a little bit flirty. I also was a little bit flirty with her, too. I don't know if I should take a step further though. I don't want to scare her off. I think she already knows that I like her, but I dont want her to know that I like her that much. I want to keep her on her toes. What should I do? We are goona eat lunch again in like 2 hours and I need advice. Detailed advice. =)




  1. be a little flirty with her if she is flirty with you. and if she sends signals that she wants to take it farther. then go for it.

    i just hope her boyfriend doesnt hit you for it..

  2. omg. . . if she has a bf. . she prbly doesn't like you like that! you guys r just friends, leave it at that, until they break up maybe, but if u try and steal her, that's gonna cause big issues.  

  3. stay friends until she's free of the boyfriend. you don't want to be the "other guy." or maybe you do, but let her make up her mind about her relationship and don't do anything to hasten its end.

    and remember: if she'll cheat on him with you, she'll cheat on you with somebody else.

  4. Please leave her alone with her boyfriend. Are there no girls over there. Don't steal and don't be caught.

  5. take her on a shopping trip. i love that.

  6. Why are you going out with someone that has a boyfriend already?

  7. Back off do u want her boyfriend to kill u before your time.Let this be ur last date with her unless she is single again

  8. Well, don't make a move on her if she has a bf, cuz she probably likes both of you, but has to break up with him first. Just keep being kinda flirty and hang in there until they're over.

  9. Just keep it casual. If you're not sure don't do anything. You don't want to risk what could be a great friendship. Let things progress at their own pace.

  10. Do the same thing you did before. If she flirts with you, flirt back. But you have to respect the fact that she already has a boyfriend. Don't go any farther with her, but you don't have to step back either.

  11. Tell her that you like her. Girls love it wen guy are honest with us. Play it by ear after you tell her. You never know se might like you too. You'll never know whats going to happen until you try.

  12. ask he about her boyfriend, and if she rolls her eyes or something, and says something that is wrong with him, she is into you, and then say something that you can do better (it has to be something that she said was wrong with the BF, then say i can do that for you or something)

  13. Well you know up front that shes got a boyfriend already.. so I'd play it safe and wait and see what happens.. cause you don't want someone thats going to be in one relationship and then boom all of a sudden be with you then you have a trust issue.. best of luck

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