
What should I do? Stay Or Leave?

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Hello I’m 18 and I live with my parents, I lived in America this past year with my grandparents but my dad wanted me to move back to England (because of stuff not working out with his parents) to live with him, thing is I don’t want to stay, but on the other hand I do because I love my dad. Im 18 and I haven’t graduated from high school yet. We had an argument the other day that if I didn’t do this online course in England to get my diploma he would pay for a ticket back to America for me but that would be it, I would have nothing to do with him no support from him only relying on friends to stay with to help me get started and to get a job at some fast food place. I do not have my license and I only have $600 in the bank over there. What should I do? Say goodbye and try making it on my own (I physically look about 16-17) or should I stay? But I refuse to do this thing on the internet. I mean what is he going to do kick me out? Just because I won’t do the school thing! He is planning on moving back to America sometime next year, he said if I left now I can join him back in America but as far as England goes he will not pay for me to come back to visit or anything and if im having troubles making it in America he would not help me out. WHAT SHOULD I DO? OR SAY TO HIM? THANX!




  1. The good thing about this is that you are an adult now, so you should be able to sit your dad down and compromise, you leaving is not an option because you are not ready.... So tell him how you feel and then he can give you his reasons and then you can meet on the middle i just lost my dad and we were in seperate states ad always agry at eachother AND ME NOT BEING ABLE TO SAY BYE WAS NOT WORTH THE PAIN...

  2. Get drunk and tell him you love him.  Have a nice day

  3. I am a parent so I am speaking from a parental point of view!

    You father wishes for your to complete an online course so you can graduate and better yourself. Any normal parent would  do and want the same of any of their children.

    Why are you against this, really? You need to ask yourself WHY you are challenging this so strongly!

    Next, I laugh...literally at all these people who throw out the "you are 18 now". What the h**l!!  18 is just a number, however, its that big number that so many think is going to change their lives!!  Did turning 18 create anything different in your life?  Were you suddenly able to support yourself the second the clock struck midnight on your birthday!!  WAKE UP! It is obvious you cannot support yourself!  You need your father's support and I would count my blessings that he is still willing   ( since you turned the BIG 18).

    I would thank your father, complete the online course and get your butt onto college.

    One day you will thank your father for giving a sh*t!!!!

  4. If you aren't man enough to get a high school diploma, then don't bother coming back here.  $600 won't pay for a month's rent.  You need food, transportation, insurance, furniture, and lots of other stuff to survive here.  You can't live off people forever.  We don't like that much.  Get a diploma, a college education so you can support yourself, then think about coming back here.  

  5. You ought to think of your future initially. You indeed have your own decisions for your own life now since you are already 18. Ask yourself first before asking your dad any questions. Are you ready for an independent life? Are you tired of having people caring for you and you think you gotta live on your own? Do you trust yourself? Do you trust your abilities to survive without any supports from your dad? Are you afraid?

    Try to answer those questions first. If you KNOW (NOT think) that you can handle yourself. Go

    If not, try to talk to your dad again and explain your feelings.

    It's totally up to you man. It's your life.


  6. You should make sure you are ready for independence by checking the following: Good job and a permanent one. A job that you get out of your diploma from college. Thats the surest way to do it. So make sacrifices first before you can make your own decisions.

  7. take the online course and stay with him and follow him around becuase life would be so much harder on your own..








  9. Is there any particular reason you don't want to do the online course?

    ok, seeing as u're not answering I'll just assume it's because you just can't be bothered.

    Honestly, I don't think you're prepared for the real world yet. Specially if you think you'll survive on $600 and that your friends will be able to support you.

    My opinion is, go to america and have a taste of trying to survive on your own. Don't do the course yet, I think you won't appreciate it until you realize how fortunate you are that your father actually gives a c**p.

  10. Why cant you stay with your grandparents? Do they have a problem with you?

  11. The first thing you should do is take a hard, honest look at yourself and realize if the problem is them or you. Try to look at it from their perspective, try to sympathize with them as much as possible. If not, try thinking about the person that you want to be or admire and what advise they would tell you if they knew all about your situation.

    As an adult, it sounds to me that you have some maturing to do in terms of accepting responsibility and finding a path in life. I would recommend to play it safe, do the course, and do some soul searching in the meantime. Learn to follow the rules but keep an eye out for what you really want to do. You still have 2-3 years to figure it out, the important thing is that you do not do anything that sets you back.

    Leaving high school and starting a fast food job with no money will set you back every year. I worked in a fast food joint as a summer job and it always struck me how bad people treat you for not giving them a $3 cheeseburger in less than 2 minutes. Save your humanity, save your money, and feed your mind. Good luck.

  12. You're 18 now!!!

    so you can tell ur daddy.........I'm 18 now and i can do whatever  the Heck i want!

    && he will understand what u mean.

    u can buy an Apartment and live there by urself or ur friends.

    u dont have 2 finish high school if u don't want 2.

    Nobody can judge u...ONLY god can!

  13. Put it this way, as a parent.

    Your are now 18 and, in the eyes of English law, considered to be an adult. That being so your father is not legally obliged to support you financially or in any other way. So, what you need to think about is what is your best option. Is your stubborn refusal to complete your diploma via the internet really so awful that you risk finding yourself in the situation where you have lost the financial and moral support of your father?

    Sometimes in life we have to learn the art of compromise

  14. I think you have to stay with your Dad for now. He is the only one you can count on. I take it you were in High School in the States and now you are only one course short of graduating ! You must finish that course on line or some other way. Its not like you are unfamiliar with computers and the net right ? The next few months or even a year is only going to be a miniscule part of the rest of your life. This may not be the answer you want, but its my opinion.

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