
What should I do? War of Harry Potter and Twilight?

by Guest33280  |  earlier

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My friend is obsessed with Harry Potter. I am obsessed with Twilight. She hasn't even read Twilight and she hates it... everytime Twilight comes into subject, she says "OMG! I hate Twilight!" and it hurts my feelings, as if I did something wrong. I'm getting sick of it! I don't bash HP like she does Twilight! Everytime she starts rambling on about HP, I listen, I act like I'm intersted and I show respect. What should I do?

If you want futher info, please see my previous question about HP and Twilight




  1. I already told you what to do!! Stop talking about either one in front of each other!!

  2. try to get her to read twilight, i personally love both HP and twilight, she might too.  Maybe if u read HP and start talking about how similar twilight and HP are, maybe ur friend might be interested in reading it too, then she

    wouldn't bash on it so bad.

  3. im sorry, but this is just stupid....

    ur friend probably just says she doesn't like it cause everyone likes really isn't a big deal...just don't talk about books anymore..

  4. twilight all the way...and don't worry...maybe she just doesn't understand twilight and she feels bad so she doesn't like it...its just a book though. everyone has their opinions

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