
What should I do; We haven't kissed yet?

by  |  earlier

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We've been together for just under 12 weeks now, and we haven't kissed yet... I don't wanna be pushy about it, but I really wanna show him I love him and everythin

Any help?





  1. he's clearly not going to make the first move. its up to you. go for it! the longer you leave it the more difficult it will be.

  2. ' Take me in your arm's and hold me, like I have been holding in my heart '  that's my que to you, a ' Jim Reefs ' song.  good luck  

  3. just go for it. u make the first move

  4. KISS HIM!!!

    if he doesnt like it then hes probaly g*y

    so u shouldnt waste anymore of ur time on him


  5. you can do nice things for him, kind words, surprise him with something etc. Leave the kissing move up to him.  

  6. First question .... how old are you?   You must be really young for this guy to be so late in coming forward. But the answer is simple ... just ask him to kiss you.  It'll break the ice and either end up a total disaster or the making of something beautiful ............ good luck !

  7. Just lean in and go for it. If it all goes wrong at least you know where you stand with him. It's worth the risk if all goes well :D.

  8. maybe he been hurt in a relationship in the past and doesnt want to rush anything u need 2 talk 2 him and tel him hw u feel

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