
What should I do about a creepie security guard hitting on me?

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I work at a womans clothing store.. Well a security guard that works in the area comes by the store and talks with me.. That would be fine, but not when he starts asking things like do you wear socks when your having s*x, and telling me things he finds attractive about me And he knows I have a man and two kids.

What can I do for this to stop? My manager she sees it, she hears it. she giggles about it. he isnt our security guard, he is just for the area so he has a right to check on our store..




  1. tell him to back off.  if he doesnt, call his company and ask for a manager and let them know whats going on

  2. 1.Tell Him to stop. This is an important first step.

    2. Make sure your Supervisor knows you want it to stop.

    3. If it doesnt call your main office and file a sexual harassment complaint.

    4. He will be gone.

    If hes not, sue them.

  3. It's still illegal.  Get in touch with the landlord of the shopping area - he or she would be the one employing this mall security reject.

    Demand an investigation be opened, or just let them know what happened and that you do not want that creep in your store again.

  4. Give him head? idk....why is that always an issue for women, although half would love the attention from a man!

  5. Um, that is sexual harrassment.  You need to find out who he works for and complain to his superiors.  That is not cool at all.

    The fact that your manager finds this funny is disgusting as well.  That is not funny, it is screwed up.

  6. Tell him to back off or you may end up like this MOVIE

  7. get him fired!! d**n girl dont let him do that to you. ur a woman!! dont let a creepy guy drop ur power!! show him who the real boss is and get him fired!!

    and in jail

  8. Report him to the security agency.  What he's doing is sexual harassment!  

  9. well, that looks like sexual harassment!

    i suggest you should take some action and report him to his superiors or to the police. you might also consider taking some action against your manager, because it isn't normal to watch and "giggle".

    hope you will solve your problem!


  10. Perhaps find out who he works for and report him to them.

  11. Have you told him to stop, that you don't appreciate it or find it professional?  That would be #1 on the list.  If he doesn't, report him to his manager/mall management.  If they don't take steps, then you can escalate again -- police or lawyer.

  12. Document incidents for a couple of weeks, then report to Mall or area management.

  13. that's sexual harrassment, cause flirting isn't as explicit and disgusting, tell you manager or the mall manager.

  14. He does have the right to do his job but he doesn't have the right to harass you. Tell him first very sternly that he has to stop and then your manager, if all that fails tell your man. Save your man before the police cause if the police know before your man than your man will feel some type of way.

  15. Generally speaking (and your situation certainly does not fit that criteria) I would give the following advise to a woman in this situation. First, a man hitting on a woman might be a decent guy who is just really attracted to her. Nothing wrong there. But as any and every decent guy can sometimes be a jerk when attracted to a lady-regretably I know this first hand-if his advances are seemingly harmless first try to give him some slack. A woman should  explain to him that allthough she is flattered by his interest she does not share that interest and would really appreciate if he stopped. If he doesn't then the next step is to explain to him that he will be reported to the womans manager and the manager may report it to his company. If the man continues with his behavior then the woman should follow through on this threat.

    Now, that being said, in your case, as this has gone way to far with his "socks and s*x" ploy and as well you have informed your manager who only ""giggles" at it you are already at the final step. Firmly go back to your manager and tell her/him that you are being sexually harrassed and that he/she must get involved on your behalf and to tell the guard that he is no longer welcome in the store and that if he continues his company will he contacted. The woman should make sure to put this in writing to her manager with a copy to her/his superior. And let a co-worker or two know what's going on. Or a friend. I know you are probably concerned about losing your job but this "socks and s*x" comment (and maybe other comments made) is way over the top and sounds too creepy to ignore and back off from. If all your efforts fail it you have three options. 1) just let the behavior continue. Not recommended!  2) quit your job get another one and just forget about the whole thing. 3) As a last resort it seems to me that maybe you have a sexual harrassment suit here-with your company negligent in there response to your concerns.

    Sorry for the long winded answer but this is a  serious question  with potentially  serious consequences.

    Good Luck  

  16. tell him he is getting annoying, and if your manager thinks its cute

    turn him on to her.

  17. Don't talk to him. Set clear boundaries. He'd never do that to other women who won't give him the time of day.

      Trust me he only does it - because you let him!

  18. let your man go visit him

    my husband would  

  19. Report him to his superiors.  

  20. Tell him if he does it again you'll call the police or your husband. Creep!

  21. That's sexual harassment, and you should tell your manager that it bothers you.  If she doesn't take action on it, then ask to speak with the boss of the security guard.

  22. 1- You need to tell him his comments are unwelcome and ask him to stop.

    2- If he doesn't stop, you need to go have a talk with HIS supervisor.

  23. That is sexual harassment and you don't have to put up with it.  If your manager won't do anything about it and you're that uncomfortable go above her head.  It's her JOB to make sure things like that don't happen, or to address them when they do.

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