
What should I do about a drug addict/ alcoholic friend...?

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I used to have a huge crush on him.. then when i found out what he was doing i stopped liking him. He told me not to tell anyone.. but if something happens to him it will be my fault.. I'm scared for him and I don't know what to do.. :'( We used to be great friends too but now he rarely talks to me.. I don't want to sit back and watch him destroy himself.. a few months ago he promised me he'd stop but came to school hungover the next day.. any advice? I cry pretty much every day. I'm so confused. I hate watching him do this to himself.. alcohol ruined my family and I don't want it to ruin our friendship too.. please help..




  1. shoot him. that way you won't like him, and he won't be able to use drugs or alcohol

  2. You can't make the choice for Him.He has to make that choice.You can't blame yourself for the choices He makes in his life,after all,He's making that choice.I lost my little brother to alcohol and drugs,three years ago.He was 39.Me myself ,was a drug addict for over 23 years and have been sober for three.(its a very long story of all my ordeals).By you caring,you have to be careful,because He is using you as a crutch and maybe even an enabler.Its a co-dependent thing.I'm very sorry your friend has chosen the path He has,but only actions should prove to you Hes serious about quitting,and you can't help Him until He really wants help.Stop blaming yourself,and I'm sorry.

  3. Sorry, but people who become addicts you cannot really help.

    Save yourself the hassle and break that relationship. It is easier than you think.

    The guy that probably speaks to you now is the addict, not the guy you like. Drugs and alcohol have that effect.

  4. Mabe you should tell him that your there for him if he just wants to talk. There's got to be a reason why he's doing it. Don't give up on finding out why. You could encourage him to seek help and talk with a phycologist, or something, or bring him a whole bunch of stuff that shows how you shouldnt do drugs and the affects on it, or...tell him why you can't sit there watching him do that to himself.

  5. tell a teacher/parent/doctor anybody who can help put a stop to it

  6. Hey, friend, it's all right?

    Well, your friend have serious problems, I think that; he can search a Specialized doctor in this subject; for Medical treatment; OK?

    But the people here already answered very Good; really; Correct?


    Brazilian Salutations for you!  

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