
What should I do about annoying neighbors?

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Four months ago, we moved into a new home in a nice neighborhood. At first we though the fact that our neighbors directly across the street sit outside for hours was just a little weird so we shrugged it off. One evening we were invited over to sit and have a few cocktails with them. During that time the husband jokingly told us all of the quirky habits of our surrounding neighbors (lady always drives to her mailbox instead of walking to the curb, and then backs into the garage never getting her car straight on the first attempt, man always forgets briefcase before work and has to turn around, etc...). Several months later, I feel it is getting really old having to respond across the street with a hello, or fine, how are you... they say it first so it would be rude not to reply, just so you know. We can't even sit in our nice porch chairs without feeling eyes on us. They are outside ALL THE TIME! They have a really nice back yard that faces the woods and ours is...




  1. You should just ignore it, or politely tell them that you are not happy with them staring at you when you are outside.  If that doesn't work, listen to annoying music very loudly or something and maybe they will go inside.

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