
What should I do about child's behavior in Tae Kwon Do class?

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My son is 3 1/2 and I just signed him up for 6 months of Tae Kwon Do. the first two weeks (before I comitted to a contract) he did great, he was engaged and happy. But the last few classes, he gets distracted and dosen't pay enough attention to his instructors. he goof off during class and today he had a fit and laid on the floor and wouldn't let the assiatant instructor correct him. I picked him up and threatened to take him home and he settled a little. then they did some sparing and I think he got scared because he started to cry. after that, he goofed around a lot. I don't want to let him get away with bad behavior and I don't see the TKD master addressing the issue. I don't know if the is just waiting for my son to pass through this or for him to grow more comfortable.

should I let the TKD master work this out with my son or step in and discipline him myself?




  1. Yea, let the instructor kick his azz. The little punk needs to respect him as well as you. So maybe he needs to spar with the instructor and get a roundhouse to the face.

  2. This is my personal opinion: This kid is too young to be doing TKD right now. I would wait another 2 or three years before starting him. It looks like (the same with most young children) he loses interest quickly. If you wait another couple of years, he will start to get much more out of it than he will now. I deal with alot young kids cause i help insruct at my TKD school, but nothing like anybody laying down, and crying. This shows that he is too young. I know that there are parents out there that seem to think that making kids do a bunch of c**p at an early age helps them out alot, but come one, he is only 3 years old, that is too young, because if you want him to get anything out of it, he has to be able to pay attention fairly constantly, not lose interest, and he has to take it seriously.

  3. I can't imagine why any martial arts instructor would take on children that young!

    They call them "the terrible threes" for a reason.

    You didn't REALLY expect a 3 1/2 year old to have a long enough attention span to go through an entire class, did you?

    If the TKD instructor was foolish enough to sign a contract for a child that young, then class discipline is HIS problem.

    During class, you have no right to object to HOW the teacher controls rowdy students (your kid included.)

    You signed over responsibility to the teacher during class when you signed the contract.

  4. It normal . He's 31/2  . Most 31/2 year olds goof off alot cuz there only 31/2.

  5. you should do both. You should talk to the instructor and tell him you think he needs to deal with your son and you should deal with him to. You need to make him understand that what you are doing for him by taking him to these classes is amazing and somthing a lot of kids (me) only wish there parents would have done. You need to punish him at home cause you can;t take him out of these classes

  6. Well first of all I think 3 is too young to start martial arts. You have to be at least 6 in my karate club (yeah i know karate and TKD are different.) Maybe if he really wants to do it you could join as well? Maybe you could sort of tell him off when the instructors not looking:). Oh and we dont spar until aged 8, and theyre not allowed any contact whatsoever. Hope i helped

  7. sparrring at 3 1/2 years olddd???

  8. my brother is a second degree blackbelt in tae kwon do and my father is a first degree.... ive seen a lot of tkd classes... I've also worked in a preschool with 3 year olds

    that being said, if your child is being disrespectful the master will address the issue. More than likely your kid is just having a little fun and that's really all it should be at this point. 3 year olds have a very short attention span. the class should be about learning to interact with other children his age. If he was going around biting or hitting the instructer or other kids in the class, that would be a problem, but not paying attention and running around isnt something to worry about.

    let him have fun. that's what it's all about.

  9. that sounds to young for martial arts i think 5 is athe minimum and why anyone expect a 3 yr old to spar?

  10. You should probably remember that kids are kids and not to force stuff on a 3 year old.

  11. Well first off, your son is 3, remember at that age it's more of a daycare than a martial arts dojo. Children, until they're into their teens and even then have an average attention span of 5-10 minutes max.

    Second, you need to be the one to punish him. If you don't put down the heavy hand, being his mother he will think that he can get away with anybody saying anything to him. Next time he misbehaves don't threaten to take him away... take him away. Who cares if he's throwing a fit! He misbehaved and needs to learn that's not correct social behavior.

    I know it's hard to swallow, but I've seen it over and over and I've been put in the instructor's position, which is completely unfair to him.

    I would let the INSTRUCTOR work out his issues with the child on his own terms, not telling him he needs to punish your child... It's not his position to father your child. Don't supply empty threats, act upon your thoughts when dealing with your children, within reason of course. He will learn that he must behave and listen to adults. His behavior will improve over time. He is just a kid and should be allowed to play and act as one.

  12. You should wait until he's 5 to have him participate in any martial arts.  Most  3 and a half year olds are not able to concentrate on something as serious and structured as Taekwondo.

  13. TKD is like a joke too some people! I like it but along the line People watered it down to much into a sport. Which is ok but not for Street combat. ALSO THE KID IS TO YOUNG. Wait till he gets older.

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