
What should I do about insurance???

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I am on disability right now and my Cal-Cobra is almost up. I have AIDS and wondering what options I have??? I know medical but what is the share of cost of $1,000 a month?? please help




  1. See the link below to find California AIDS Service Organizations near you. Some offer benefits counseling and treatment. Keep calling until you find a program that can help you figure out your options. I'm certain there must be others in your situation, so I hope something exists to keep you from falling into the cracks. You might also qualify for Social Security, Medicare/Medicaid and/or Medi-Cal, so you should find out.

  2. The Share of Cost is the amount per month that you are over the income guidelines for Medi-Cal. If you have medical expenses, those expenses are applied to your Share of Cost (like a deductible) once that is met, you can use medi-cal for any other expenses in that month. If you do not have expenses, then that deductible does not have to be paid for that month.

    Be sure to let your medi-cal worker know if your income changes as this will also change your Share of Cost.

    You should also see about applying for SSDI. Once you are approved for SSDI and recieve those payments for 24 months, you will be eligible for medicare.

  3. You desperately need to talk to a local health insurance agent before that cobra runs out.  

    NO private policy is going to take you on, with AIDS.  

    MAYBE California has a high risk health insurance pool you can opt into . . . but don't wait on this.

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