
What should I do about my 5 1/2 month old daughters constipation?

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She's constipated and I have been trying to give her liquids like water and juice but I'm breastfeeding her and she doesn't want to take anything else but breast milk ..

I feel really bad for her and i don't know what I should do about it.




  1. Sorry, but in my opinion i WOULD NOT give my 5 month old an e***a!! Unless it was per Drs orders. Try giving her prune juice half and half with water.. ( 2 oz juice to 2 oz water) if that doesnt work in about 4 to 6 hours try a table spoon of Kyro syrup in a bottle of breastmilk. If that still doesnt work i would call the pedi and demand something done.. or just go to their office.. they can not turn you away

  2. take her to the dr. if need be they can either give her a supository or since you are breast feeding try to eat more fiber  my daughter has cerebal palsy and drs told us to give her more fiber maybe this will help

  3. So sorry to hear that, she must be in pain. My daughter went through the same thing til this day. Water is the only thing that works but when they are still babies is hard to get them to drink it. I used the suppository for my daughter when she was the same age. I had so much trouble with her she ended up in the emergency room because I did not know how to stop the crying since she was my first and only daughter. Anyways, suppository at this age is my best choice unless you can get her to drink water or prune juice.

  4. That's easy just add a lot of fiber diets,drink prune juice, fresh prune and papaya and a lot of vegetables into you daily diets but don't recommend to give you kid laxative.

  5. go talk to your local Chemist ,there are some sort of drops you can get.

    Also try some prune Juice watered down and pureed fruit or fruit jelly.

  6. I had to give my baby when she was an infant water with a little corn syrup mixed into it.  It works.  Good luck.

    A baby 'pooing' once a week?!  Are you daft?  What genius shared that little tidbit with you?

  7. go get an enama, sorry about the spelling. My daughter had the same problem and the docs would not help. I bought these at wal mart and gave her half of a half, rectally. It worked.  

  8. I would recommend taking her to the doctor. Try a little prune juice.

  9. Is she starting to eat solid food yet? If so, try giving her some fiber-rich veggie like squash or pumpkin. It helps even things out well. If she's just started eating cereal, then i'd cut that back for a bit - it may be stopping her up.

    If she's not eating solid foods yet, and if she won't drink liquids other than your milk, then i'd make a trip to her ped. Breastfed babies are seldom constipated (they generally have pretty loose stool) so the doc may have other ideas to try.

  10. i think at 5.5 month old she should be able to take heinz 4-6 month pureed fruit in a jar. try giving single ingredient ones like apple or pear. when she reaches 6 months, try giving her fruit gels n yogurt too. good luck.

  11. How do you know she is constipated?? It is very unusual for a solely breastfed baby to be constipated. Some babies poo several times a day and others only poo once a week. Both are completely normal. If you still think she is constipated, see a doctor or health nurse before trying any home remedies for constipation that she may not have.

    Are you feeding your baby solids? If you are and she really is constipated, her digestive system probably isn't ready for the food you are giving her. Stop the solids and give her body a chance to recover. After a couple of weeks (when she is over 6 months), try again. Offer a tiny amount of rice cereal once a day, then gradually introduce fruit and vegetables one at a time. Peas, corn and beans can cause digestive problems, so avoid them until she is older.

  12. If it's that bad, they have baby suppositories, you can get them at Walmart. I would try apple juice first, that's always worked for my son.

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