
What should I do about my 7year old boy masturbating with balloons?

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I was shocked to walk into his room and he was laying on this big punch ball balloon with his genitels, should I just ignore this, or put a stop to it.




  1. Masturbation is normal for children, using balloons is not unheard of. Being 7, sit him down and talk with him about what he is doing , find out how he learned to do it. Do not make him feel he is being bad bacause he is doing this. If his behavior still disturbs you, ask him to stop, if you feel its something he will outgrow, then dont make a big deal out of it.

  2. I would make sure the balloon was on the pill.

    No seriously. Put pepper juice on the balloon, he will never try that again.

  3. It might be normal but for a 7 year old.  I think that is a little young.  How would he know how to do this.   I would def talk with him.

  4. As long as he understands that this probably isnt something he would want to do in public or in front of his friends, I would just let him alone. It is just a phase.

  5. He's seven years old, what genitals does he even have?!

  6. stop giving him balloons duh

  7. it's normal, i wouldn't worry about it.

  8. That's a normal age for kids to start masturbating. I think the only time you should intervene is if they do it out in the open or they're doing something dangerous, like my brother's a doctor and he had a patient who managed to get a nail stuck up his urethra.

  9. this is what kids do.

    masturbation at this age is not wrong--really--if you think back hard enough to when you were around that age--or even ask your parents i bet you were a little curious yourself!!!

    dont shame him-you will turn s*x into something dirty-and its not--- you had him didnt you?

    but maybe you could have another boy--preferably a teenager tell him that balloons are not a way to be doing this--and that there is a time and place for every thing!

  10. lol, My mom used to walk in on me while I was laying up against my vaulted ceiling so i could give myself oral when i was like 12-15.

    happened like six times and Im so glad she never said anything about it. LOL

  11. It is not abnormal.  It sounds like he is doing it in an appropriate place and that is what is more of a concern.  Most kids are going to experiment and you should not shame them.

  12. I just let it happen with my 6 year old. He thought it was great fun to lay on these huge party balloons , in his birthday suit. He finally did it one time too many and stung himself like crazy when one  burst. Tried to tell him , but he had to learn the hard way.

  13. For heavens sake don't try and scare the boy please! That would be so horrifying and could cause a lot of pain. I completely disagree with the poster on talking to him about it in order to scare him.

    This is perfectly normal and has been for thousands of years. It is healthy and part of life, so long as it doesn't take voer his life. At that age its a bit early but let him do his own thing in the privacy of his room.

    Guilt and scare tactics are likely to have alternative and long lasting effects that might not be what is intended by the above poster.

    If you truly have a lot of concern I would talk to a proffesional, maybe his pediatrician, or a psychologist. Although I wouldn't really do this unless it became a problem.

    Good question though! You get a star!

  14. Sounds harmless, if freaky.  You might suggest a more efficient method, but otherwise, leave him be.

  15. I understand that must have been a very disturbing sight for you, but I think you should ask your son what he thought he was doing before jumping to any conclusions. Maybe he was not aware that he what he was doing. In he case that he was aware, you should something about it. Has he been exposed to explicit movies or just content that's not right for his age? T.V. has a huge influence on children. he could just be acting out what he saw. Or maybe he has hit puberty earlier, but that's unlikely. Whatever the situation is, you should definitely  investigate further.

  16. have a talk with him that it's not right to be doing these things.  Maybe scare him a little that u might just need to take him to doctors if he doesn't listen next time. Also, don't forget to take away punch ball..

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