
What should I do about my Leopard Gecko?

by  |  earlier

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He hasn't eaten in a week or two, but he's not blocked at all because he pooped, and now, of coarse, he's not pooping any more because he hasn't eaten anything. Do you think the problem is one, because I took out his vermiculite, or, two, because i recently switched him from a 20 gallon to 30 gallon. And I don't really have the money right now to take it to a vet, so do you have any advice? His tail is still fat, but his body has been getting skinnier. Is something wrong?




  1. i can only think of 2 reasons 1 being you switched habitats and he is still adjusting when they get nervous or scared they dont eat till they feel comfortable again the other answer i used to have 2 chinese water dragons and one died because i used to use wood chips in their tank and when the one was going for a cricket he got a large wood chip stuck in his throat and couldnt eat i didnt realize it till it was to late.

  2. It definitely sounds like something's wrong. Have you been dusting his food with calcium or vitamin supplements? Is he active and moving around? None of the changes you mentioned are really causes for such drastic changes in behavior. Give us some more info to go off about what you've been feeding him, how often, your setup, etc.  

  3. shoot him

  4. Check the heat on his tank, sometimes if it gets uncomfortable for them they will not eat.  Or if they are stressed.

    Its probably just that he's settling back in (hopefully).

    Try something a little more tasty like meal worms or wax worms, or even super meal worms.

    If he is not eating and also lethargic, and the temperature is fine in your enclosure, then something may be up and a vet visit (or even calling a vet to quickly ask would be in order).

    You also want to make sure that he has adequate UV and calcium/vitamins added to his diet as it may be a vitamin deficiency but I couldn't obviously say for sure.

  5. maybe u should lay off the super worms for a little bit(like a week)and feed him like 6 crickets every other day. because sometimes a leo can have a craving for super worms or wax worms and get hooked on them and will only eat them. try that and see if it works. hope i helped :)

  6. Leos need belly heat in the form of an under tank heat mat, set to 88-91F.  They do not need lights as they are nocturnal.  They especially need dark and cool at night.  I would not use any kind of loose substrate such as coconut fiber, sand, vermiculite, etc with leos as even a small amount can cause impaction.  They do not need baths unless an impaction is suspected.  They do need a humid hide available at all times.  More medical advice can be found here:


  7. What's you hot side temp (remember, leo's need belly heat so measure temp at the substrate with a digital with a probe or temp gun).  If it's within the recommended range (88-94*F) go towards the hotter end of the scale to increase his metabolism.

    Leo's can get bored with one food source...try offering something different.  If you normally feed crickets, try worms like mealies or supers (if an adult), silkies, phoenix or butter worms or visa versa.  Avoid waxies, they're like reptile crack and not very nutritous.  Some leo's will occasionally eat a berry or two (not too manyor they get diarrhea).  

    Re-homing can stress a reptile and can occasionally make even the best feeder go off for a while.  Try raising the temps a bit and offering something different, if that doesn't work then a vet visit is your best option.  Some vets will work with you; I've found that offering to clean kennels as part of the payment is a good way to establish a "working relationship" with you vet and they usually appreciate it!


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