
What should I do about my Xbox?

by  |  earlier

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I've had mine since Christmas 07 with an Intercooler EX (the one that doesn't melt) and haven't experienced the red rings tho I have experienced e 68 and all I do is turn it off and back on until it's gone. Now it says my gamer profile is corrupted, but I still have all the saved data luckily. What am I to do? Thanks.




  1. THAT WEBSITE IS FLAGGED DANGEROUS!!! and just go to and go to the support section

  2. Well... You are in big trouble... ANY INTERCOOLER speeds up the rrod because it is not fast enough to keep up with the xbox... And it messes up the internal temperature so it gets hotter than it should.... And any intercooler used will void your warranty... So go through carefull inspection and make shure there is no trace of an intercooler being used... AND if they asked if you used an intercooler your warranty is automatically voided NO QUESTIONS...have you tried running your 360 withought the hard drive? that is a easy solution... And i dont see why you dont want to get it repaired if it is a falcon chip (after oct 07) you get a new opus chip which is soo good they dont release it in stores...) its the "zombie" chip and it will most likely never die on you again... PLUS YOU get a free month of live!!! wooo...  

  3. if theres no signs of a intercoolort then u fine

    why would u want your xbox repiared if its messed up?

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