
What should I do about my adult 7-pound austrolorp hen picking on my 7-week old sebright bantam pullet?!?!?!?!

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I have a coop with 6 bobwhite quail, a cockerel ringneck, a 7-pound austrolorp hen, and a recently added innecent sweet little sebright bantam. Princess, the austrolorp, is picking onthe new arrival and is preventing the baby from eating. Help!?




  1. I would do your best to make sure the bantam eats, maybe put another food bowl of some sort in a different area of the pen.

    Poultry are just that way. Its a pecking order and princess is going to make sure that the new hen is on the bottom.

    Just keep and eye out for blood, if theres blood IMMEDIATELY remove the bloody birds. Otherwise everyone will be picking on them.

    The best thing to do is just wait it out soon there will be an order that they both will understand. She will be bottom but things should get better.

    If you are too nervous you could take her out, but if you want her in that pen the sooner shes in the quicker the bullying will stop.

    Good Luck an I'm sure she a cute one!

  2. ...put a 4' diameter loop of 3'  high chicken wire in the middle of the scratch pen and put JUST the bantam in it. Throw the feed into the centre, concentrating on raining on your new hen. She'll feel so "special" she won't have time to worry, and the other birds will be too busy getting her toss-offs to worry her.

  3. Sebrights are too docile to be introduced last into a flock. Princess is really establishing her positiont in the PECKING order.  The bird (last one) needs to go.

  4. a good left hook should do the trick!!!!!

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