
What should I do about my annoying neighbors?

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My neighbors have yelled at me several times for "driving too fast".

The speed limit on my street is 25 and I always slow down to 10-15 because I know there are alot of kids that live on my street and their irresponsible parents let them play in the street unattended quite often.

Not only have my neighbors had the audacity to yell at me, but they have even yelled at some of my friends for driving too fast. Once, the neighbor actually started running after my friend's car yelling and following him on to my property. I told my neighbor that he needed to stop yelling and get off my property or I would have to call the police to mediate the situation.

The thing I don't understand is that these same neighbors drive really fast on our street. Why do these people think they can tell me what to do but they break their own rules? What should I do about these rude people? I don't tell other adults what to do. What makes my neighbor think he can tell me what to do?




  1. In my neighborhood, the parents of young schoolchildren were complaining about speeders, so the police had a crackdown on speeding.  The overwhelming majority of people ticketed were the parents of young schoolchildren in the neighborhood.  It's typical hypocrisy, "Do as I say, not as I do."

  2. seems to me they have a mental problem.....but if i were you.......

    just say nothing, or your life will be h**l................

    if you are renting............


    if ya buying your house..........SELL.......

    .because, nothing will be solved with idiots like that....

    you cant talk sense to Mental people...........

    try relaxing & even drive another way if you don't want rubbish from em...

    good luck

  3. neighbours suck!

    tell them if you see their children playing on the road unsupervised you will call child services, as roads are for cars!  

  4. Do the same to them.

  5. Calling the police to mediate the situation sounds like a good idea.

  6. I would get the police involved these people are obviousily unreasonable and irresponsible parents. You just have to ignore hypocrites like are just wasting your time if you try to talk to them.

  7. make anonymous calls to code enforcement or child protective services, or to the police for loud noise complaints or underage drinking.  just annoy the c**p out of them.  good luck and have fun with it.

  8. Don't call child protective services as revenge.  They have so many legitimate cases of children in terrible circumstances.  You don't want the neighbors suing you for calling.

    I'd try to ignore them as much as possible.  You can't control their behavior.  If you can, slow down even more and maybe they'll get another hobby.

    I wouldn't get the cops involved unless you have to.  That just escalates the whole deal - Quien es mas macho?

    If you haven't, try to have an adult conversation with them at least once.  Do it when things are quiet and neither of you is upset.  It may help calm them down, but don't hold your breath.  

    I wound up moving from a neighborhood years ago - there were a couple of folks like this on the same block.  Best thing I ever did.  Good luck.  I hope this doesn't escalate.

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