
What should I do about my best friend?

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My Best friend is moving in January. She is excited to move, and part of me is excited for her. The other part of me is really sad, and wants to hang out with her as much as possible. I just moved into a new apartment and I wanted her to come see it. In the past she's come to visit (she lives 45 mins away) and met some of my other friends, most were nice to her but some were rude, and said derogatory things to her. I asked her if she wanted to come down this weekend to see my new place and she said No, because she's afraid that my friends will do or say mean things to her, and be rude again. I told her that if she's uncomfortable with anyone coming over, that I can just make sure no one else comes over. Then she tells me she feels bad about making it so that other people can't come over. I have told her several times that I live in an apartment complex and tons of people can't come over anyway. She still won't come down. She's making me feel like I am a horrible friend (we were inseparable until this recent thing) and I don't know what else to tell her. Any insight?




  1. Tell her that you want to spend more time with her before she moves and it would mean a lot to you if she did come down.

    Just be truthful about how you feel and maybe she'll understand. Just don't be too pushy. Compromise.

  2. Tell her that you don't even want anyone else to come over.  Tell her that you'll have a sleepover and watch movies and pig out.  Who can resist that?

  3. i think you should have your other friends say sorry to her and maybe she might feel comfortable to come over

  4. shes probably hurt or mad that u didnt stick up for her the first time

  5. stop talking to her now so you wont be hurt when she moves

  6. From the sounds of it, it seems that this friend is a long time friend of yours who doesn't seem to agree with your other friend choices. This has happened to me on a few occasions. I've found that keeping these friends as separate entities are best. Meaning, don't really try to force them to like each other if they have contrasting persona's. But if you think that they will mesh in the future then go for it. I would tell your long time friend how important she is to you as a friend, and basically be the bigger person in a way. You don't want to have this long term friendship fade into growing farther apart as a result of several changes of direction, the best of luck to you.    

  7. It sounds like maybe it hurt her that you didn't stick up for her the first time, when you should have. She probably doesn't want a friend like that. Live and learn.

  8. what happens happens, that too will pass

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