
What should I do about my boyfriend & his new beagle puppy?

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i recently got my boyfriend of 3 years a beagle puppy for his birthday, i can't have dogs in my house just yet but i thought it would be cool to say this new puppy was "our" dog and my boyfriend was fine with that. but when we went to choose the puppy, i didn't like the puppy my boyfriend chose, i usually like beagles, but this one just wasn't very cute. but since it was a present for my boyfriend, i decided to go ahead and pay for the dog. but now i wonder if that was a mistake. i thought maybe i would get over the puppy's ugliness and form a bond with him but i just haven't. i do like beagles but i just don't like this one, whenever i see a picture of another beagle or see a real one i just think how much cuter that one is than my boyfriend's. we've been arguing about it some too. and it doesn't help that i paid for the dog either. when the dog gets near me i don't wanna be around it, i just don't like it, and i know it makes my boyfriend unhappy. i love my boyfriend very much. what should i do? what would u do? & why?




  1. it's not how you look that matters, it's who you are. The dog probably has a sweet temperment and a personality to match. Try to get past what he looks like and focus on him as an individual. He could be your best friend.

  2. The answer is easy - you are projecting your discontent with your relationshipo on the dog.. .you were trying to buy his affection and attention - you aren't ready or are discontent for some other reason.

    Dump the guy, and find a new one. Too bad you are dumping a guy that likes dogs.  there was a whole movie on that.  

  3. Do you act like this around ugly PEOPLE too?  

    Every One and Every Animal is precious and it's so unfair for you to act like this towards this poor dog because you don't like it's appearance!!!  

    I have to wonder what YOU look like....

  4. You are definitely not going to like my answer but I care about dogs and basic human decency more than what you think of me.

    What you have done is wrong in so many ways.

    First of all you should never NEVER buy an animal as a present/gift.

    To do so is unforgivably irresponsible because your first thought should have been to ask "What are the dog's needs and can I/we meet them?" The whole of your question shows the answer to that is no.

    Secondly, if you give someone a gift it belongs to them not you. Your partner made a decision. Respect it or just don't bother to offer in the first place. There is nothing "cool" about saying something is shared when it is supposed to be a present. It sounds like you think because you paid for the dog you somehow feel you own it. If you wanted a dog and you wanted a particular dog why make some futile, meaningless grand gesture of 'giving' a present? Why not just choose a dog for yourself? Although, I'm glad you didn't. At least if your partner likes his pup there is a chance he will care for it.

    I feel sorry for your boyfriend and the dog. Just because you pay for something doesn't mean you own it.

    I didn't know 'love' came at such a price.


  5. Awe You should play with the puppy, and you shouldn't even be upset that your boyfriend is happy. How much was the dog? If it were me I would just play with it, get to know it! I have a beagle, and she is very cute, but you should learn ot love him/her. Try to get along, b/c if you dont youll lose the dog nd your boyfriend.

  6. That's terrible.  All puppies are cute.  Just give him a chance and I'm sure you will grow to love him.  If you can't then you don't really need a dog at all.

  7. It's a dog. You're telling me you can't bond with a dog bc you don't think it's cute? First of all, all dogs are cute in their own way. Any true dog lover believes that.  Maybe you should look past what you consider "cute" and spend time with the dog. Maybe it's very affectionate and like to snuggle up to you? Or maybe it's smarter than you think and can easily learn tricks? Whatever the case, you need to get to know the dog's personality. That's what you bond with. Also puppies do change over time so it will not look quite the same as it gets older. How does your bf feel about it? Does he love the dog? Does he smile when he's with it? If it was a gift and something that obviously makes your bf happy then you need to get used to it. I would never, could never shun a dog just bc I think others may be cuter. They all need love and attention and I hope that's what you'll give to him. He deserves it.

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