
What should I do about my current problem?

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I recently moved over to China with my wife (Jane) and three daughters, Rose, Pippa and Elizabeth.

Rose is 5 years old, Pippa is 7 years old and Bethy as we call her is 9 years old. Bethy is probably our favourite.

My wife is 41 years old now, but according to my friends looks about 54 because of her stretch marks and stuff.

But anyway, we moved to China about 2 and a half weeks ago, and are settling in fine, however I have noticed that I have seen no poodles or dalmations anywhere we have visited. I am keeping this quiet from my family, however, I am very disappointed that I have seen none. I don't know what to do and don't wish to worry my wife or kids, however I really can't see myself staying now.

What should I do?

I need help as my decision will help my lifestyle.





  1. Look man Poodles and Dalmations are not native to China. If you really need to have a dog like that around I'd suggest buying one.

    also it's really f**ked up that you love one kid more than the others.

  2. Perhaps Bethy has hidden them all in your wife's stretch marks.

    I'm sorry but what did all of that about your family have to do with there being no poodles or dalmations (I take it you've seen other dogs since you were so breed-specific) around?

  3. I only moved to Scotland and that was 2yrs ago and I haven't seen any  poodles or Dalmatians here either.

  4. your having a laugh aren't you,good lad it made me laugh too

  5. My family lived in Taiwan for three years.  When our dogs got out of the yard, we never saw them again.  The people do eat dog in Taiwan, so it makes sense that they also eat dog in China.

  6. Beyond help mate.....just eat the chickens feet and get on with it.....made me laugh....thank you. xx

  7. ? What u think they are eating them?  

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