My dog is being very naughty. When she was a puppy she chewed up things such as a brand new couch, shoes, etc and she also messed our new carpet many times. She used to run out the door and around the neighborhood as well. She even jumped on our neighbors little cousin/brother and they called animal control so we got a warning. She grew out of it and hasn't done such behaviors in a very long time. I fear its coming back. A couple days ago I found a little figurine made out of that air dry clay stuff for kids I made for credit in my art class last year. Today I found it in her doggie bed all chewed up, like the hair and ears were chewed off and large bite marks and chunks missing spread in her bed. The first time I smacked her lightly on her head/nose and once or twice on her bum, then told her she "bad girl! bad dog! That was very naughty! No chewing", then today I yelled at her, same things as before, but I only patted her bum. She knew she was in trouble, she knows it because she'll either slink away with her tail behind her legs and hide in a corner, or she'll give you sympathetic looks and snuggle up with you (as if trying to smooze you over)... How should I discipline her to stop her from chewing? Shes a 4 year old Cockerspanial poodle mix and shes about 20-25 pounds.