
What should I do about my exhibitionist neighbor?

by  |  earlier

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My next door neighbor's window faces mine. He always leaves the blinds open and walks around his room without any clothes. Don't get me wrong, he's pretty good looking...but still, his behavior concerns my friends who visit my home with their small children. Is there anyway I can send the message that he needs to be more careful where he puts his naked butt? I do not want to run the risk of knocking on his door and having him answer it in the nude. Perhaps I should send one of my friend's children over to see what he has to say. Thank you.




  1. Don't send the kids over.. I am sure even he would put some dressing gown on before opening the door.. otherwise the postman would have complained already.. go over there and ask him politely that you have small children visiting.. that he can walk in his house around in the nude but could he kindly draw the curtains when doing so....'' and hopefully he will ... I believe one can talk about everything it's just a matter how one gets the message across..  in his house he got rights. but if he is seen by the neighbours in the nude.. the neighbours have no right to ask him to wear clothes but they have the right to ask him to draw the blinds or the curtains then he can do as he pleases inside his house.. xx

  2. generally I advocate going over to a neighbor and asking him to stop, but I'd really like to see some one grab a hugely powerful spotlight and when you see him doing it, shine it in his window (turn your own lights out)  Or maybe use a flash camera with no film.

    tell you thought he meant for this to happen.

  3. You have absolutely every right to keep your blinds open, that last answer is no solution.  I suggest maybe you just gather up the courage to tell him that you don't want to embarrass him, but you're not sure if he realizes how clearly the neighbors and you can see in his windows... and if he seems embarrassed just tell him sorry and it wasn't any easier for you either...  Or maybe send him a letter anonymously?  He can assume it was you who sent it, but come on, do you really think he's going to say "hey, was that you who sent me the letter telling me know i was advertising my business?!" LOL  Do you think maybe he wants you to see...?  Good luck to you. =)

  4. Call the police when he does it. Remain anonymous. You may have to embellish a little. Say you've got kids and they guy in a house was flashing out the window. After few calls he'll probably stop.

  5. Short of him being without clothes, I don't see the issue. If he was doing drugs or having s*x, or touching  other inappropriately then I would see the problem.  

    Bottom line, children should not be afraid of their own bodies.  Close your own blinds. and check to see if there is a by-law in  your state about this.  If so, then  call him on it.

  6. If you are *that* concerned about it, then why not shut the blinds that face his windows?? He is in his own house and can do what he wants. Stop looking into his windows!

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