
What should I do about my eyesight problem?

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My eyesight started off as a minor problem, sometimes I'd have trouble reading the boards at school. But lately, my eyesight has deteriorated to the point that I've had to request being moved to the front of all my classes. Even then, I have to usually copy notes from my friends because I cannot see the writing. I've approached my parents about it, but they refuse to buy me glasses or at least, get my eyesight checked. Throwing accusations like: "You'll never wear the glasses even if we buy them." Which I replied that I'd wear them because I have to. I really don't know what to do, do you have any suggestions?




  1. Do a search for "Bates method".

  2. Blurry vision is a learned behavior in response to stress, so a good place to start is to recognise what kind of stress you are having and where its coming from. I should add that it is an incorrect response to high stress. There are several kinds of stress: Stress to do well in school, social stress in school, family stress. There is also health stress. When we recognise the stress and keep it from settling into our eyes in the form of incorrect vision habits we can halt the progression of blurry vision.

    You may want to talk to a family Optomotrist, not a Doc in the Box like WalMart, about strategies for working with parents. He may give you ideas on how to work with your parents on taking care of your needs.

  3. Do like the others said, mention it to a teacher, who will likely send you to the school nurse. If you really do need glasses, then your parents are fools for not taking you to at least have an eye exam. At that time the doctor, who is more knowledgeable then them about vision, can tell them you need correction and what for. It bugs me when there is a genuine need like this and parents treat buying glasses like a useless need, like an i-pod. It's a medical device designed to correct defective vision. Since lenscrafters and others like them put the emphasis on fashion, I think many people lose sight (no pun intended) as to what eyeglasses are really for. Over the years it has amazed me on how little importance many parents have put on there child's eyeglasses.

  4. Ask one of your teachers that recognizes the problem with your vision to contact your parents...or better...have a teacher contact the school principal and then have the school principal contact your parents.

  5. That's pretty much what happened with me at first. You need to explain to your parents that you can't see in your classes and you're getting seperated from your friends (even if you aren't) during class. Say you can't copy notes from anybody because you can't sit with your friends. If you convince your parents to at least get your eye-sight checked, you could get some disposable contacts. That's what I started with! I got them when I was 11. I've been wearing contacts ever since! They are wonderful, lol. And the disposable ones aren't expensive, and you can get them at almost any drug store. Contacts might sound kind of scary, because they did to me at first. Ask your eye doctor to give you a pair to practice with for a couple days. They are suuuuuuper easy to put in and take out. Explain the disposable contact thing to your parents. They might cave :D Good luck!!!!

  6. umm well, have your mom take you to the drs for a physical and they check your eyesight there. the only thing is that if you do need glasses, they will send you to an optomitrist or whatever cuz they can't give you glasses. so nvm. you will probably end up in square one again...idk what to say.

  7. I'm guessing that your parents don't wear glasses because they don't know what it is like to have everything blurry without them.  Calmly talk to them one night saying that I really think that I need glasses because I can no longer see the board at school for notes and it's getting worse.  I want glasses because then I can actually see the board so that I don't have to miss out on notes.  They will be concerned about your schoolwork, I'm hoping.  Say that you'll promise to wear them since you can't see anything without them and that it would make your life a whole lot easier.  If they are worried about the cost of it all, most insurance will cover at least some of the costs.  Start calling up places and asking for prices so that you can tell them the cheapest place nearby.  Don't buy glasses at the office, they are WAY expensive.  Go to a wholesale place like BJ's, Costco, or Sam's.  I got mine at BJ's for about $89 including the frames, lenses, and breakage program but that was for kids like 12 and under.  They still have better prices than the eye doctor's office though.  Some places even have an eye doctor in the wholesale place.  Prove to them that you'll wear them, not lose and break them, etc.  They will be more willing to get you better frames next time; the first time, they'll probably give you the cheapest ones incase you lose, break, or don't wear them.  Once you get your glasses, you won't be able to live without them, it is so much better.  You'll have to get your eyes checked every year for a new presciption and new lenses, if you want to keep the same frames or a new pair of glasses.  I hope they give in, or tell a teacher or guidence counselor about this; they will be able to do something to convince your parents.

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