
What should I do (about my four year old)?

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I took my four year old son to see his ear doctor. (is ENT). In February he took his adenoids out and had kept his tonsils in. In May his dr said that his tonsils are huge. He snores during the night and wake up during the night and he wakes up has well. I made this appointment to his ent doctor which was this morning. He believe they are not ready to come. They could been big since he had a cold. He breath heavy and snores alot and keep waking up middle of night. At times he just dry coughs. His eating habit isn't that good. The doctor wants me to keep them in there and I think it causing him some problems. He has asthma and he does get alot of colds. If he keeps getting colds will those tonsils get big. Is it better to take them out now and then waiting till he get older. We have surgery set but go back August 21 to really decide to do and if not cancel the appointment. I know mommy know best. I think I want to get done with then waiting later on.




  1. Get it done NOW.  My mom wanted mine out when i was younger and the Dr kept putting it off.  Now I am 29 and in misery because of them.  When they said my son may need his out i told them if they thought they would need out sometime in the future to just get it done and over with and they ended up removing them when he was 4 years old.  He hasn't had strepthroat since then and breaths and swallows much better.  I would want them done now.

  2. Get it done now..The longer you wait the more prone he will be to infection later..Good luck and good bess!!

  3. I would get it done now.  He is only 4, and the chances of him making it to 6 with those infectious non-functioning tonsils are pretty unlikely and could impeded his development with chronic infections.  They say that at age 6 the immune system is up and functioning 100%.  My son had some repeated infections and we were going to take them out at age 6.  We waited 6 months and he had no infections.  The ENT thought that he was outgrowing the problem.  You have a long way from that age, I would get them out now.  I don't know why they didn't take the tonsils when they took the adenoids.  I have been through this same thing myself.

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