
What should I do about my general manager?

by  |  earlier

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I work in the accounting office at a used car dealership. Sometimes if or when it's necessary I will go downstairs and do receptionist work. Recently we got this new general manager who treats me like I'm his personal secretary. He asks me to send out his mail. He calls upstairs to my office and asks me to come downstairs to get things for him. He asks me to make calls for him. Just a bunch of different things like that. If you try to disagree with him or tell him know he always says, "Well I'm the general manager." Almost like he's threatening me with his job title. I've told my office manager about it but she's under him so she says there isn't much she can do.

Yesterday he called up to my office and asked, "Could you be a sweetheart and make me a cup of coffee? Thanks dear." Reluctantly I went downstairs and did it. However instead of making him a normal cup of coffee, I put 10 scopes of coffee in. When I gave him the coffee he took a sip and said "Baby you are a terrible coffee maker!" so I smiled sweetly and said in the nicest voice I could, "then maybe you should make your own coffee next time."

Since then, things have only gotten worse. I would quit my job but I have a child and I'm trying to put myself through school and right now there just aren't any jobs out there where I make the kind of money I do AND pays for half my college tuition.

This is really driving me crazy and it's making my work environment uncomfortable.




  1. This guy is a total AH and a jerk.

    You've got a real situation. In my opinion, you're doing the right thing, just keep making the coffee awful and/or make yourself less accessible. Sadly, if your supervisor is Ms. Weak Knees, I think you need to start looking for another position. Remember, there are many temporary agencies you could work at to make ends meet if necessary. You don't need this.

    Good luck! I hope things change for the better for you. Been there, done that. ♥ ∞

    EDIT: I hope I didn't sound flippant above because it certainly wasn't meant that way. Anyway, I have to agree with other statements below. I think you have a case of Sexual Harassment and need legal help. Perhaps you should let this fellow know that you're no doormat and that you may take legal action if he doesn't back off? I don't know. That's up to you. Gosh, I feel for you and that I could be of more help. Truly, you have my prayers and I hope everything works out well. ♥ ∞

  2. He's definitely a jerk. Consult someone higher than him. There is always someone higher.  

  3. I thought the same thing with my husband, he alwasy threatened to leave if he didn;t get his way, but I am 43 years old and I don;t need ot be bossed around by a man or let him be heavyhanded with my kids so, I told him that I had been a single parent for 12 years and he fought me, but I stood my ground and he gives in every once in a while now.

    I would look for another job, and when you find one, don;t give him a two week notice, just leave.  

  4. First off track everything; write statements of events even if you think they were small; date and time.  Then ask HR for a copy of your job description.  Every time he ask you to do something that is not on your job description note it and then tell him that you are busy and if he is not in a rush for it you will get to it when you can.  Also correct him when he says things like sweetheart and baby... Just say excuse but my name is... Remember he can't fire you for standing up against sexual harassment.  Since your boss won't do anything about it try the regional manager.  Companies take this sort of treatment very serious and the whistle-blower can't get in trouble.  Remember this is where you work and they are to offer you a safe place to work free from sexual harassment.  You may even want to recommend to HR that a sexual harassment class maybe helpful.

  5. He's probably doing worse things with the power tripping that will eventually get him in trouble.  I'd just try to avoid him if you can.

  6. Misanthrope has some very good ideas.  Do not let him call you anything other than your name.  

    You should make a list of things that have happened and file a complaint with HR.  

    I have a feeling he won't be general manager for long......


  7. Tell your real boss that you are being taken advantage of downstairs, and tell them to tell the general manager to stop calling you "sweetheart" and baby. Good for you on making terrible coffee. :)

    You have the right to put your foot down. Don't let him treat you like that. No job is worth all this aggravation.

  8. Since he's causing you stress and overstepping his boundaries, I would either go on stress leave until the matter is resolved or build up a case and sue the company.  But then again, I have zero tolerance for stuff like that.

  9. It is good to see that cuddly Lioness is back. $20 bucks this never happened, or you changed some events to become the victim.  

  10. Do you have a copy of your job description?  When you applied for the job, I'm sure that you received a copy of your job description.  Simply dig that up.  Now get one of those cheap 20 dollar tape recorders.  The next time he asks you to get him coffee, simply press RECORD and ask him to repeat that.  When he says it again, you should have him on tape calling you "baby".  The explain to him that coffee is not in your job description.  Continue to do this for about a week.  Beginning with the second week if he does it again, simply play him the tape.  Don't make any other statements or else it could be construed as blackmail.  Just play him the tape everytime he asks you to do something that is not in your job description and smile.  He may fire you anyway but at least you have evidence that sounds awful incriminating in a court of law.

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