
What should I do about my injured hamster?

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I have two hamsters that constantly fight. One of my hamsters hurt it's back leg(s). I'm not sure exactly how it happened or what exactly is hurt. Here is what she's doing...

1. She drags both of her legs behind her when she walks most the time. She can use them but she'd rather not.

2. On occasion... she'll almost flip forward - as if she's trying to hold her legs to her side and she can't.

3. She does little "loops" in the corner of her cage... like she's trying to get something off of her fur, but she's look at her leg and it's in a odd position.

4. It seems to be mostly her right leg and when she's trying to walk "normal" she holds it to her side keeping her weight off of it.




  1. Its leg might be dislocated take it to a vet.

  2. Is it a dwarf or a syrian?  Either way, separate them immediately.  Syrians will fight to the death.  Dwarfs enjoy company, but it depends on the hamster, some just never get along.

    Really, it sounds serious.  She really should see a vet. It sounds like she may have a broken back or at least leg.  She may need to be euthanized.  It's cruel to keep her from proper treatment.

  3. Separate them immediately.  They are obviously inflicting serious harm on each other.

    You need to take your injured hamster to the vet.  She is showing signs of a serious injury.  She needs to receive treatment and possibly pain medication.  Losing use of most of her hind end has to be extremely stressful, frightening, and at best uncomfortable for her.  This could also be painful for her, not wanting to put weight on a limb is usually a sign of pain.

    You need to take her to the vet right away so that she can begin treatment.  The longer you wait the less likely a full recovery is for her.  She needs vet care.

  4. Keep them in separate cages. Separate them NOW. Syrian hamsters are known for fighting ... especially females. Great hamsters, but SEPARATE THEM NOW.

    If you're lucky, the leg is sprained or has some soft tissue injury that may recover on its own. Put her in her own cage. Give her everything she needs, plenty of fresh food and water, and lots of kleenex or whatever for nesting. Take her to the vet if you can, and if she recovers, do not put them back together.

  5. Keep the animals away from each other, and take the injured one to a veterinarian

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