
What should I do about my life?

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I am 20 yrs old I have bad credit due to credit cards, taking care of my parents bills, I have a full time job and also part time. I live with my mom, she is a mean and evil person, I cant live with her I just cant. And I have a car note of 523 and I want a new car or even lower my car note. I want to move out asap in like 3 months. Should I move out first or just wait. Honestly if I wait I will end up killing my mother. But please what should I do




  1. Why are you paying your parent's bills? At 20 years of age you are an adult. You should try to find a roommate and cut the apron strings. If you can't afford to do that with your car payment then sell the car or let it go back. With a reasonable down payment you should be able to get a cheaper car with no credit check at from a used car dealer. Feelings of anger or frustration at your mother is just mother nature telling you it's time to become your own person. It's normal.  

  2. If you have two jobs I think that you should be able to pay rent for an appartment and pay bills but try to get a lower monthly payment for a car. Even if that means getting another one.You'll think it's a good idea if you really want to move out of your mom's house and stop paying her bills.

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