
What should I do about my patner who wants to eat curry every weekend?

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What should I do about my patner who wants to eat curry every weekend?




  1. if you love him then cook him a curry every weekend,  

    I once went on a business trip to Sri Lanka where over the 12 days there I had to eat 8 curries, even one for breakfast whilst a guest at someone's home,    get the message!!! try breakfast, lunch and dinner for a whole weekend and see what happens - don't forget to make them hot and spicy

  2. it depends if you like curry food.

    if you don't then you should tell him that you would not like to eat curry food very often.

  3. Do you want to put up with this?

    Maybe ask if its better to have it every fortnight, because the effects of too many currys can be really devastating in some cases.

    Also. buy some air freshener.

  4. You should release her/him back to the wild, and pair up with someone who shares a similar lack of taste as yourself...

  5. Well, what do you think? Should you be dictating what your partner can or cannot eat? Would you accept it if your partner said you couldn't eat something any more?

  6. At least he only wants it at the weekend.. if he wanted a curry every night, then you should be a bit worried.

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