
What should I do about my perforated eardrum?

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I perforated my eardrum with a q-tip last friday and went immediately to the ER. An ear nose and throat doctor prescribed drops and a corticosteroid injection.

A few hours later my ear started to bleed (it lasted about 3 hours). Yesterday I went to see another doctor, who told me to stop using the drops (they were really painful and caused dizziness and a numb tongue). He ordered an audiometry (I don't hear well) and said to come back in one month.

He said there was a huge hole but there was a probability for it to heal on its own, and if it doesn't "there are options".

If anyone here's a doctor, do you think it's best to ask for a third opinion? Wouldn't it be better if I got a timpanoplasty right away? It's been only 4 days and I'm already going nuts from my innability to hear well (and from that noise inside my ear)!!

Thank you!




  1. Don't worry about that, honey, because your second doctor is right, generally it can heal on its own.

    There are usually three kinds of therapies for eardrum perforation as below.

    1. If it infects by bacterium, then your first doctor's treatment is right. Corticosteroid and antibiotic drops should be used to deal with it (I guess the drop he prescribed you must be a antibiotic one). But apparently, you maybe allergic to this drops or had a significant side effect.

    2. If there is no infection, it's no necessity to use drops. Just protect your ear by stuffing external auditory canal with tampon and take oral antibiotics to prevent infection.

    3. Generally speaking, one month time is enough for your eardrum to heal up by itself due to its good self-repairing capability. If by that time it doesn't, surgery is a good choice.

    Make sure to KEEP IT DRY, and don't let water pour in your ear.Don't blow your noses strongly.

    During the one month, once you find it infects, go to see your doctor immediately.

    Good luck, sweetheart.

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