
What should I do about my roommates tomato plants

by  |  earlier

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They were tied up against a spike, but now they are all fallen over. I am not a gardener and don't know if this is normal. He is out of town and left his cell at the house. Should I try to tie them back up or just leave them like they are




  1. tie them back up, or they'll wither

  2. Yeah tie them back up...dont worry they may do that,...mine certainly do! but be carefull not to bend them about too much they are quite brittle!

  3. tie them back up and water them. dont tie em too tight mind.

  4. tie them back up.

    (and eat some)

  5. Are you sure they are tomato plants?

  6. Tie them back up loosely and water them, or they will fall over again and die.  

  7. yes you  sould tie them up  

  8. tie them back up so the fruit gets sun and is off the ground

  9. why dont u stand all over them and have a good laugh @ his expense

  10. Sounds like they are very top heavy, possibly from having too many tomatoes. Definatley tie them back up to insure it doesn't wilt and die.

    If there are alot of tomatoes pick them off! If they are red or even old be sure to take them off. Check and make sure the soil is moist too!

    You are a very good roommate to insure it was taken care of!

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