
What should I do about my science teacher?

by  |  earlier

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Today in science we took a test to see what we already know, and for some reason he had the answers printed on the back. it was like a six page test and i was near the end, and i saw that i had missed a question so i went to turn it back for a second and the answers were there for a second, because there was no other way to turn it back. so my teacher calls me out in front of the entire class and was like yelling at me. so i told him that i wasn't cheating, and i don't even know if he gave me a zero or not. and there was litterally a guy sitting right in front of him, and he was full on turning to the back for every answer and he didn't even notice.




  1. Sorry, I see why your concerned.. but this is not an issue yet !

    Do nothing. You can't go to any one and accuse him of anything until you grade is unfair.

    At that point you have a reason.. but good luck proving it. Fight it and request to take the test over.

    Again YOU don't have a problem yet

    AND I hope you don't !!


  2. First off go up to the teacher and explain to him that the sheet already had the answers and then ask him instead of calling you out in front off the class maybe next time he could pull you aside so that u have a chance to explain.

  3. I don't like accusing teachers.

    The answers shouldn't be there in the first place.

    1) Inform your priniciple and sit for another test

    2) Get the class to petition for the teacher to acknowlege his mistake and to resolve this matter (if you teacher gives you zero)

    3) Inform the ministry.

    anyway, don't give up in helping yourself if you do not think you are in the wrong.

  4. You should take the test, your own test, (you can ask for it to be given to you or the principal) and go talk to the principal. Explain your side, the answers should not have been there in the first place so everyone should either pass or fail together or sit another test.

    It is the teachers fault, don't just sit back, shonky practices in schools need to stop. They help no one.

  5. I HATE teachers like that,my teacher is the same.just tell him that is not your fault he put the answers in the back. and if he wants to punish you just go ahead with it,He thinks he is the supreme authority.although you probably want to kill him.

  6. Explain this to him or have your parents call either him or the office.

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