
What should I do about my sensitive mouth?

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When ever I eat the roof of my mouth kinda stings and itches.. sort of feeling. It's hard to explain and sometimes it gets so bad that it starts throbbing. What could this be?? I know that I have a sensitive mouth already because I get canker sores so easily and a lot of them at a time. Is there anyway to get rid of this extremely annoying stinging???!!!




  1. Thats sounds really scary =/

    Have you always had this problem or is it a recent thing?

    If its a recent thing you need to go to the doctor and get it checked.

    That could be really bad =/

    By the way to avoid cankersores..dont chew on things

    and when you get cankersores rinse in hot salt water right away.

  2. i have sensitve gums so i brush my teef with a sprinkle of salt on the brush. maybe your immune system needs building up with exercise and healthy food.

  3. use sensodyne toothpaste

  4. Dear you have got trouble with your teeth enamel. You have to get your dentist's appointment. He will surely be helpful to you. Its better to get it attended soon as possible. in initial stages the treatment will be just fillings or sealant application. and you will get relief. So get your appointment right away. Keep smiling

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