
What should I do about my so called friend? She betrayed me for the 3rd time?

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Every since she got a new man she started being kind of distant, Which is ok I understand why because I have a man too,but now its getting to the point where its becoming annoying. I mean dam I have a man too but I don't make him the center of my universe like she does.

He is constantly calling her. When she is at my house visiting me and my son it like every 30 mins he is calling. I hate this and think it is obsessive behavior. They have been dating 4 mos and they live together already and they are making wedding plans and he hasn't even proposed yet.

She's promised me on 3 separate occasions to do my hair for me. She's left me hi and dry each time. The last occasion was today. She promised me as I was on my way to go to the salon. I trusted her again to do it and went home. Then what call no show

Now im really upset cuz I needed my hair done I have an event and I feel like she's always betraying me when I need her...Should I "X" her out as a friend

dont get me wrong ....I DID GET MY HAIR DONE.....and I understand the feeling of new love its just that i do't lose sight of those that are important to me....i still make time for everyone...including my man

he just always alienates her from everyone...including her own mom and she is controlled by him

i went to the salon first thing in the morn...not by her




  1. Well you say she is your friend so you should sit down and tell her how your feeling.

  2. The timeline of their relationship is their business.  You should MYOB when it comes to their wedding plans.  As for your friend, just don't trust her to keep an appointment in the future.  I don't believe she was malicious at all...just insensitive to your needs.  

    Tell her that she let you down three times and the last time was important to you, so while you appreciate her efforts, her reliability is not so appreciated.  Leave the relationship stuff out of it and it may blow over eventually.

  3. This is something you cant control. You just have to be a good friend, and stay positive. So when she finally start to figure this clown out, you will be the friend who always supported her.  

  4. tell her you miss having her as a friend without him interfereing with your provate time. Find new friends who don;t do this,.

  5. She's blind to his obsessive and controlling behavior because he probably manipulates the situation to make it seem like he's doing it because "he loves her". You have no control over her behavior because now she doesn't even have control over her life, he probably does and she's letting him. I'm sure she doesn't mean to cancel on you, but she is just blind to the fact that he's probably trying to alienate her from her friends and family. It'll take her own realization that this man is controlling her and it'll be up to her as an adult to take charge of her own life. You have a healthy relationship, which is why you don't understand. Hopefully she's strong enough to eventually realize it, but even though she's not being a good friend, just continue to support her and be there for her when she comes back to her senses.

    Good luck.

  6. That's their business on what their doing.

    When a new couple begin a new relationship, they do tend to ignore others. This is their "bonding time" getting to know each other.

    All of these cell phone calls drive me nuts. 3 of my 4 kids do this constantly and it pisses me off, when their suppose to be here visiting me.

    I feel, from your words, your also jealous. Your jealous this guy pays her so much attention and vice versa.  I think your also uspet you had to pay to get your hair done.  Maybe she's tired of doing it for free for you?

    I don't see why you'd dump a "FRIEND", if it was only because they are living their life.  That doesn't make you a good friend, if you dump her because of that. You do sound selfish.

  7. I agree with Mickateen.  You have to accept that she's not grounded right now, and you can't rely on her.

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