My son takes swimming lessons. Now, I don't force him to, but it has been a rule with my kids, you learn how to do basic strokes and you can swim at the beach and in deep end pools. I do this because of all of the drownings that happen. My 11 year old, 13 year old and 14 year old have all taken swimming lessons when they were in first grade and they know how to swim. Currently my 6 year old son is learning. At first he did good. He listened to the teachers and never talked back or refused to swim.
However, today when I picked him up from his lesson, the instructor approached me and said "Today your son refused to swim, repeativley talked back to the teachers, hit the other students and mooned me twice when we tried to put him in time out." I took my son home, but this isn't the first time for this behavior. It has happened several times over the past couple of weeks. I've taken away his toys, grounded him, yelled at him, spoken calmly about and done every possible thing. I ask him why he does this and he said "I hate swimming!" but when I told him that ment he couldn't swim in the pool or at the beach and he says "I'll be better."
HELP! What should I do?