
What should I do about my sons behavior?

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My son Logan is 5 and he keeps using swear words and other bad language and i have no idea where he is getting it. I dont know if it is at daycare or maybe his older brothers but i keep asking him to stop and he woulnt. How should i stop him from using this language?






  1. My Mom used Irish Spring soap, rubbing the bar across the teeth to leave a lasting impression.  It worked.

  2. Consistent consequences for every time he says something disrespectful.

    Talk to the daycare people and ask if he is speaking that way there too...if not ask if anyone else is.

    If his older brother is, then he needs the same consequences.

    What about tv or video games, monitor them...he could be getting it there.


  3. Kids often realize a sense of power comes with certain words, so don't think it is just your son. Sit both boys down and tell them together that these words are unacceptable You must also be willing to define these words for them so they can really have an understanding about what they mean. Honesty is always the best way to go and despite your discomfort, they need to know what they are really saying. It may also make those words less appealing for shock value.

    Next ask them if they think it would be ok with them if you, their father or their best friend called them these things? Tell them that people who are educated and who respect themselves and others do not use this kind of language and that it is not going to be tolerated in your home.

    Bad words, like bad deeds ,have consequences. We used a swipe of soap across their toothbrush when my boys did this . It only took about 2 times and they were very careful no to use these dirty power words anymore.  

  4. options : spanking , time out , or washing his mouth out with a non-toxic soap.  if he is 5 , he understands it when you say no. do not think of him as a baby , he is old enough to know right from wrong. good luck with whatever you choose.  

  5. I would explain to him clearly at his level about how those words are not good nor acceptable or allowed to be spoken and give him clear consequences if he uses them. Since he is 5 yrs old this will all have to be age appropriate but I am sure that you will be able to come up with something. In the world today it is very common for that sort of language and we must simply correct that behavior the same as we would any other bad behavior. I would also discuss this with the older brothers just in case they have said something in front of him. Be sure that it isn't getting Logan negative attention by laughter, etc when he swears. Just the fact that you are concerned about this says you are concerned about your children and that is great! There are so many nowadays that leave their children to whatever they want to do or say.

    May God bless you in your parenting with wisdom from on High.

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