
What should I do about my stutter?

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I'm gonna be a sophomore in high school and ever since middle school I've always had a problem with reading out loud in class. I always get nervous, I don't know why and just stutter when I read and sometimes it can get really embarrassing What should I do? I want to be able to read out loud proudly and not have to hesitate to ask questions when the school year starts in a few weeks.




  1. I used to stutter. All I had to do was make a conscious effort to speak more slowly. The brain thinks faster than the mouth can speak...

  2. Well in private tell the english teacher about it and he or she most likely wont call on you unless they are a jack***. You my want to get enrolled in the speech program (if there is one) Hope I helped

  3. same here. i actually typed in this question, because it's bothering me.

    I do hesitate when i ask questions, sometimes i just can spit it out..

    it sucks!

    im just gnna try to relax.

  4. Try these resources:  there are videos online that show speech therapists working with stutterers; watch them and learn some techniques.


    Meet others who stutter here

    stutteringchat on Yahoo groups

    Contact The Stuttering Foundation of America as that is where our family got help. Their book "Self Therapy for the Stutterer" worked wonders after working through it step by step.  Part of the book can be found here

    Each stutterer is different, and a therapist who specializes in treating stuttering will be able to determine what will help you the most as they work with you.

    Some medications that other stutterers have tried include lorazepam, citalopram, and buspar.  Ask your doctor about trying an anti-anxiety medication while you are working on your stuttering.  Be aware that your stuttering may be better than the side-effects of the medication, though.

  5. Don't Stutter.

  6. 1)You have to relax;

    2)Read your text aloud, in front of a mirror, before you have to read it in front of the whole class. If you do not know which text to read, just pick one and exercise in front of your mirror and then, when you feel a little more confident, try it out in front of your family.

    3)When I do not feel confident enough to speak in front of a huge class,  I just "blank out" which means I imagine being in a nice isolated place like somewhere on top of a mountain or in the middle of nature. This helps as you'll forget that you have an audience.

    If you have to look at the audience, focus on a point at the back of the room (if there is something stuck on the wall- e.g. a chart, a painting- focus on that), looking  OVER the people's heads.

    4) Speak slowly and focus on your words. Forget you have an audience.

    5) last but not least : Be CONFIDENT that you can read without stuttering and, eventually, you'll get over this painful situation.

    When i was still a student, I had the same problem when..I had to sing in front of the class. I took my courage in both hands, went on stage, focused on a point at the back of the classroom, booed but.... got 5 points for my courage :-)) and I always passed the exams LOL

    Hope this helps.


    I wish you the best.

    RELAX and keep a glass of water nearby in case you get a parched throat.

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