
What should I do about my toddlers teeth?

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Recently I took primary custody of my 2 1/2 year old daughter. Prior to this happening she had lived mostly with my x-wife and my x-inlaws due to my being nearly continuously deployed to Iraq. Her grandparents continuously gave her juice and kool aid and she has developed many cavities. In an effort to help prior to taking her I told mother to take her to a dentist at my expense who did pulpotomies on three teeth, filled, and then capped them. Now, only a few months later the caps have all fallen out. Two of the caps were on the bottom and covered each of her first molars beyond her incisors. Now that they are off the teeth look very bad, and although they aren't causing pain yet I know it's only a matter of weeks before they will.

At her age she doesn't yet have her third molar and obviouly doesn't have her wisdom teeth. I have difficulty (internal not financial) at her age paying hundreds of dollars per tooth to recap them when i'm not sure its necessary. How much harm would be caused if I chose to pull those two teeth now? She would be left with only one molar on the bottom on each side until her third molars and ultimately her permanent teeth came in.





  1. you should definitely take her to see a different dentist for a second opinion.  pulling out her teeth can affect the development of her jaw, and having gaps in her teeth could affect her speech - and at 2.5 years she is of an age where she could very quickly become shy about communicating if she finds speaking more difficult.

    as she has been drinking juice and sweet drinks instead of milk, you should also increase the amount of dairy in her diet especially semi-skimmed milk for drinks, as she will probably be lacking in calcium in her teeth and bones - especially if her teeth are already rotting.  this could already be affecting the development of her adult teeth (i have a white spot on one of my adult teeth even now, at 28, from a series of infections i had at age 3-4).

  2. Pulling a baby tooth seems like an easy fix, I mean, they're going to come out anyway right? That's what I thought too, but my son's dentist (who is the best ped dentist in the world in my opinion) told me that by leaving the baby teeth in until they're ready to come out on their own helps to align the permanent teeth. Pulling a baby tooth can also lead to weakening of the gum structure which can also affect her permanent and it will be harder for your toddler to chew. Take her to the dentist (a pediatric dentist) and talk to him or her about your concerns. Also, talk to the dr about sealing her molars to help prevent future cavities.

  3. Please consult with a dentist (a DIFFERENT ONE! The one the mother took her to sounds incompetent). Losing baby teeth too early can cause problems with permanent teeth and jaw development.

    Please read this! It answers many of your questions about what can be done, and why:

  4. you should get a second opinion from a dentist that treats toddlers, they have seen many cases and will know what to do to help your kid

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