
What should I do about my upcoming weekend dilemma

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I'm almost 18 years old. Just found out I have to work this weekend, Friday and Sunday. My family had planned to go visit my sick uncle in Chicago, about 7 or 8 hours away, and now I don't know what to do. I'm really not close with my uncle so I'd like to stay for the 4 days we had planned by myself, or even with a friend. My mom said we could leave after I get out on Friday and be back in time for me to work at 5 on Sunday, but I don't see that working out at all. What should I say to them to let me stay?




  1. I would go with my may not be close to your uncle but you will regret it later in life if you do not visit him before he dies.You should not put some job, that you will not even remember in 10 years, over your familyand even if you do not know your uncle obviously your mother needs you to be there to support her.

    don't be selfish think of others

  2. My second biggest regret is that I did not take time to see my Uncle.  On the day he died of cancer, I was supposed to report back to my military base that was four hours away.  My Commander said I could go and see him, but I thought I would wait until the weekend.

    I left, and I was three hours away when my family and my Commander called to let me know he had passed and I was to return home.

    It is your choice.  But you should really think about going.  If you will not go, then please be honest with your family and yourself.  Never lie.  That too will come back to haunt you.

  3. "I'm almost 18, tell Uncle [Bob] i'm sorry i couldnt make it, but life goes on... he'll understand. Here, buy him flowers." Hand them cash at this point and then stalk off and be the reclusive teenager.

  4. I would just be upfront and honest with your family in a gentle way of course, offering your concern.  I would let them know that you are 18, maybe say something like "you don't want them to be "rushed" do to your schedule" or so forth.  Explain to them that if something unexpected would come up with him you wouldn't want them to feel like they had to leave due to your work schedule.  Best wishes to your Uncle.

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