
What should I do about my weakening teeth?

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About a couple years ago my mouth and oral hygiene started to change dramatically. When this started I had no idea what it was. Dry mouth had begun and my mouth and teeth started to deteriorate rapidly. I eventually got help and my oral/dry mouth specific dentist is assessing my needs and helping me obtain satisfactory oral conditions. I have a specific mouthwash for my dry mouth - Biotene - and I also have a RX fluoride toothpaste, but my teeth still seem to be week and it looks like they have signs of weakening as well. What should I do to prevent his? Maybe enamel toothpaste, mouth guard (I have a lot of stress and wake up with a sore mouth, but don't know for sure if I am clinching/grinding my teeth, but I wonder if I can use this since I wear a retainer), or an enamel toothpaste. Please help, thanks.




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